Part 12: Byers

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Scully is a nice girl. She has been friends with me and the rest of the Lone Gunmen for the past 8 years and she was always the life of the party. Recently she hasn't been hanging out with us because of the new kid, Spooky. He seemed like a nice guy but I don't really think he is her type. He believes in the extraterrestrial and Scully herself told me that she never believed in that. I don't think they will be anything besides friends. But I was proved wrong when Scully ran to the big pine tree behind the school, where we were."Guys!! You will never believe what happened!!" "What is it Scully?" Asked the youngest Lone Gunmen, Langly. "Do you guys remember Mulder, the boy I introduced you too on Monday?" She asked with her face going red as she said his name. "Yeah, the guy who is stealing you away from me!" Said Frohike who immediately got up and pulled Scully into an embrace. "Yeah him." Scully said while pulling Frohike off of her, "I kissed him!" She had a huge smile on her face and waited for our response. "Oh..." Frohike was in shock, more than the rest of us. Frohike always had a huge crush in Scully and was never in any rush to hide it. "Well, I think that's great Scully. Congrats." I said and went to give her a hug but she backed away. "But, I don't know if he likes me, because after I kissed him he felt a little awkward. I really like him so I really hope he like me back." She blurted out this in less than ten seconds. I could tell she was nervous. "Don't worry Sculls, you'll be fine!" Langly said and patted her on the back. She obviously was nervous and instantly regretted telling us this but, what was she going to do. I just hoped she didn't drag herself down a path she didn't need to.

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