Part 18: Scully

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I removed myself from Mulder's strong grasp and immediately felt a chill from the wind. As a dug for my phone I looked into Mulder's worried eyes, I knew he was thinking the same thing as me. That my father had died but I prayed to God that that wasn't true. I found my phone and answered it, "Hello?" I said shakily. "Dana, it's Mom." She said in between sobs,"Wherever you are you need to get to the hospital! Your father...he's dead." My heart dropped and I started sobbing. Mulder came over and wrapped me in his big, warm arms around me and petted my hair. "Shhh, Scully. What's wrong?" He cooed. I had hung up the phone because I didn't want to hear anything else my mother had to say. "Mulder!" I cried,"He's dead! He really is!" Saying this made me cry even more and by that time Mulder's navy blue flannel long sleeve was soaked with my tears. I managed to walk down to the entrance and Mulder called his mom to come and get us. It was 2:45 and his mom just got out of work so she was able to get there in time. "Oh, Dana come here sweetie." She said to me as she led me in the car. I sat in the back with Mulder and I just cried into his sleeve ad he tried to soothe me. When we got to the hospital I saw my mom in the doorway and i ran to her. "Mom!" Was all I managed to get out before another round of sobs attacked me. She led me up to his room where I saw my sister Missy, and my brother Charlie. "Bill is driving down from Boston. He will be here soon." My mother said and I sat in on a small couch on the other side of the room and Mulder soon followed and, once again, wrapped me in his arms. I felt a little bit safer and more supported and is grasp. We fell asleep in each others arms and around two in the morning his mom woke us up. "Fox, we need to leave." She said, scaring us. In our sleep we eventually lied down and I was on Mulder's chest. "But Mom I need to stay, for Scully." He said and made me blush. "I am not going to fight you Fox. So, you can stay but only for tonight." He got up and hugged her,"Thank you mom" he whispered and kissed her on the cheek. She left and he sat back down next to me and I leaned on his chest again. "Thank you, for staying with me." I whispered into his shirt and listening to his slow, steady heartbeat. "Anything for you Scully." He whispered in my ear and I looked up at him and kissed his soft, perfect lips. After that we fell asleep in each other's arms and for the first time since my father's death, I was happy.

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