Part 22: Mulder

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It was 11:30PM that same day when I got the text. It went like this:
Scully:Hey! I need to c u
Me:um...its rlly late
Scully:I'm coming!
Me:K...wait what's wrong
Scully:I'll tell u when i get there.
Scully got to my house around 11:47 and pounded on the door. I ran down the stairs to my front door, "Shhhh, you are going to wake up my family!" "Sorry, I just need to be anywhere but my house." I saw the hurt in her eyes and led her to my room. I sat on my bed and patted the place next me for her to sit. She sat and immediately shoved me on the bed and sat on my lap and stared kissing me, not like the other times we kissed, but this time it was forceful and sloppy. The scene progressed very fast to the point where all of our clothes were on the floor and she was on top. It was very awkward but since it was Scully I was almost comfortable with it. I really don't want to go into detail but basically we did, it. We did it, the deed, the dirty, whatever you want to call it, we did it. I woke up naked with a small naked figure laying next to me. I looked at her neck and it was bruised with hickies and teeth marks. "What did I do!" I thought, "Did I really just have sex with Dana Scully! SHIT!" I was so mad with myself. Furious! I didn't know what to do, so I just slept. I pulled her naked body next to mine and slept, hoping my parents wouldn't came in.

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