Part 25: Scully

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When I woke up I noticed that Mulder was already up and smiling at me. I dug my head into his chest and blushed when I looked down to see my naked body against his. Slowly, I got up and put on my clothes from yesterday, a black, leather form-fitting skirt and one of my many band t-shirts. Not knowing what to do I say back on the bed and looked deep into my boyfriend's green eyes. I had a question in the back of my mind but I didn't want to ask it. After a little it just slipped out, "Mulder?" "Yeah?" He answered, siting up. "Was I your first?" Immediately I looked down at my feet in embarrassment. "Yeah Scully, you were." He said, putting his hand on my shoulder and smiling. I smiled back and took his hand into mine and held it there. "Mulder, I have to go." I said, his hand still in mine. "But how? My parents get up super early and my sister sleeps in the other side on the wall." " could climb out the window?" I suggested, pointing to the window, near where he had hung the poster I had gotten him. "Ok." Mulder shrugged. He got up, put on this boxers and led me to the window. "I'll see you soon, the funeral is at 8, ok?" "Yeah." He cooed and kissed me on the lips. One of his soft, gentle kisses. I crawled out the window and looked back to wave. Then I ran to my house and proceeded to climb through my own window, to my room. When I got in I saw my sister sitting there, glaring at me. "Where were you!" She demanded. "Nowhere, Missy." I looked down at the floor again. "Obviously you were somewhere Dana because you were not here!" "I don't have to tell you anything Melissa! Now leave me alone!" I yelled. "You're lucky I don't tell mom!" She scoffed and stormed out of my room. Once she was gone I closed the door and say on my bed. I took out my book I had been reading and just read the rest of the day away. I didn't want to have to deal with anyone.

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