Part 15: Mulder

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Worried that Scully wouldn't be at our normal meeting spot, I walked to the big rock at the end of our street. "What am I going to tell her? I'm such an idiot! I don't even freaking deserve her! " I mumbled to myself. My thoughts kept scrambling in my head that I couldn't keep up. When I got to the rock I was greeted with a huge hug. "Mudler! I missed you." When she said the last part she trailed off like she didn't want me to hear."I missed you too Sculls." I said and placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head. As I lifted my lips off of her orange hair the smile that had grown on my face had faded when I remembered what had happened to her father the previous day. "Fox?" "Yeah mom?". "I got a call this morning from Mrs.Scully and she told me that Dana wanted you to know that her father had a...a..." she stuttered. "Just spit it out mom!" I yelled, growing impatient. "Um...he had a heart attack..." I was speechless. My best friend's father had a heart attack and I couldn't even tell her how sorry I was because I just broke my phone. "Oh Scully, I heard what happened to your father. If you need anything just let me-" "Mulder,what you are doing right now is fine." She said and pulled me closer to her. After about 1 minute of silence she looked up at me and her lips collided with mine and it felt so good. She placed her hands on the back of my neck and stroked my hair as we made out. With her lips still brushing against mine she said "Hey Mulder, do you know what I think?" "What?" I responded with my arms still around her waist. "I think we should skip class." She was still playing with my hair and look up at me like a begging puppy after she said this. "Well, I've never skipped a class but, what the hell! Let's so it!" A huge smile spread across her face and she grabbed me by the hand and led me to the old elementary school.

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