Part 21: Mulder

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I felt a tight squeeze on my sides and I woke up to see Scully on my chest looking at me. I gave her a shy smile and propped her up. She looked at me for a little and then cried on my shoulder. I pulled her close and kissed her on the head. This went on for 2 minutes until I heard a menacing snicker from Melissa. Scully stopped crying to give her a look and went back to leaning on my shoulder. "What is your obsession with this damn kid, Dana?" Melissa scoffed. "Melissa! This is not the time!!" Mrs.Scully scolded. Once I heard this my face turned red and I looked down at my feet. I didn't say anything because I was afraid that I would just get Scully in trouble, so I sat in silence. "Well Melissa," Scully said with a kind of shaky voice,"Mulder and I...well we're dating.." I smiled at her and laughed a little. That word made me laugh, "dating". Scully didn't laugh, she just cried, so I did what I could to comfort her. (1 hour later) We walked out of the hospital, holding hands. I tried to break the tension by talking, "So...I didn't fail my science test last week..." Scully laughed and gave my hand a squeeze. "Good job Mulder." She said and leaned her head in my arm. We got outside and we immediately saw my mother. She came over to us and gave us both a hug. "I am so sorry this had to happen to you, hun!" My mom said holding Scully by her shoulders. "Yeah...I guess there us nothing you can do." Scully said, tears in her eyes. After that my mom gave me a look as to say 'we have to go', so I looked at Scully and gave her the same look. "Bye!" She said, squeezing my hand and she leaned towards my ear and whispered, "I love you, Fox." I have her a soft smile and watched as she turned to the car, wondering what was going to happen next in the love of Mulder and Scully.

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