Part 14: Scully

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It was Monday and I was really tired from the weekend. On Sunday morning my father was admitted to the hospital because of a heart attack. My older brother Bill was off in college at that time so he didn't know and we didn't want to tell him either. And on top of all of this the littlest Scully, Charlie, ran away because my father's stroke scared him and we haven't found him yet. My family was a mess and I felt like the only thing person that could make me feel better was Mulder. So I waited at our usual spot for Mulder and after about 30 minutes of waiting he came. "Mulder!" I said while pulling him into a huge hug,"I missed you." I whispered shyly. His face turned bright red, "I missed you too Sculls." He said as he laid a gentle kiss on the top of my fiery orange hair that was pulled into a tight little ponytail. "So...I heard about your dad, I'm really sorry. If there is anything I can do, just let me-". "What you're doing now is totally fine." I said and pulled him closer to me. There was a long silence until Mulder spoke again. "We should go." He stated and pried me off of him. "Oh...ok." I looked down at my feet until I felt his fingers intertwine with mine. I looked up at him and stared deeply into his eyes and without even thinking, I kissed him, again. But the difference this time is that it felt totally normal, like this is what I have been doing my while life. As we broke our kiss I said,"You want to know what I think?". "What?" He asked. "I think we should skip school today. How about you?". "Um...I've never skipped class before but, what the hell. Let's do it!" He said with an excitement in his voice I had never heard before. So we locked fingers and walked to the old elementary school and busted in. It was one of those really old buildings with only one room and that was all we needed. "Come on! I have been here so many times, I know where all the best places are!" I told him and dragged to the back of the room where there was a makeshift ladder. "Made this one myself!" I giggled and proceeded to climb up the ladder. As I climbed up the rickety ladder made of a bunch of pieces of old wood and string I thought to myself "Today is going to be a good day. You're with him Dana, don't worry."

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