Part 31: Mulder

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At first my parents were furious that Scully was having a baby, my baby. They are still upset and can't look me in the eye but I think they understand why it happened. It had been six months since Scully had told me she was pregnant and the both of us had made the decision that she wouldn't go to school when she hit six months. She texted me the first day of her leave and told me to come over. I did and got to her house around 9:00 she opened the door and pulled me into a hug. "How are you feeling?" My hands moving from her face to her belly. "We're fine." She replied looking down and putting her hands on mine. "Good." I managed to say and then kissed her. I lead her to the couch and sat her down. I sat next to my girlfriend and flipped through the channels on the television. I stared at her, the beautiful Dana Scully in my arms. "What?" She whined when she saw me staring. "Nothing, you're just so beautiful when you're pregnant." She laughed, "Mr.Mulder. Are you implying that I am no longer beautiful when I'm pregnant?" "No Ms.Scully, in fact I think you are even more beautiful not pregnant!" We both laughed and she leaned her head on my shoulder and I kissed her on the forehead. Then,leaning my head in her's, I fell asleep. I felt something move from under me and I jumped. I looked down to see it was just mu little darling Scully and I smiled at her. She laughed and started to get up. I followed her and noticed how she put her hands in her stomach and I thought something was wrong. "Scully?!? Are you ok?" I said in a concerned manner. "Yeah Mulder!" She giggled."Then why did do that?" I questioned, pointing to her hands. She threw her hands up in the air and laughed, "Mulder! You need to calm down, babe. I do this all the time! If there was something wrong I would tell you." She laughed once more and pilled me in for another kiss. Suddenly the door swung open to reveal Melissa. "Seriously Dana, this prick again!" My face went red when she called me that. "This what you're doing on you 'maternity leave'?" She air quoted. Scully's back was to me and I came up behind her and said, "I think I should get going Scully." I kissed her on the cheek and started to leave. "No, Muld-" "Bye Scully." I said and shut the door. What did I just do? That thought kept ringing throughout my head my whole walk home.

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