Part 19:Mulder

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I let Scully go to grab her phone and instantly felt a slight emptiness. I realized at that point that I couldn't live without her and we had discussed that previously. We made it official and everything seemed right. Until the call. She picked up the phone and with a shaky voice said, " Hello?" I couldn't here anything from the other line but I kew that it was bad. After almost thirty seconds of talking Dana burst into tears and hung up the phone. I rushed over to her and she crumpled in my arms. She was like a little rag doll, so meek, so vulnerable. I whispered so gently in her ear, "Shhh, Scully what happened?" "He's dead Mulder! He really is gone!" Saying this made her cry even more and I let her warm, wet tears fall onto my navy blue flannel and stay there. I knew she needed me more than ever and was there to be with her. Eventually I called my mother and she picked us up. I sat in the back with Scully and let her continue to cry into my chest. Once we got to the hospital she jumped out if the car and ran to her mother, who was waiting at the entrance. I stayed behind a little to let her have this time with her family. "Fox, I know how much she means to you." My mom said, "I saw how you looked at her when she was crying, you love her." "Is that such a bad thing, Mom?" I scoffed. "No actually." She surprised me with what she said next,"I was upset with you at first, when Sam told me all about you and Dana, but then from what I saw today I realized that you really love her and I can't take that away from you two." I beamed at her and gave her an enormous hug! "Thanks, Mom." Was all I managed to say and went inside the hospital to see Scully. Once I got to Mr.Scully's room I saw Scully in the back on a small, tan couch and I joined her. I didn't say anything to anybody else in the room. I just walked to the back and embraced Scully like I never had before. A strong, supportive hug. We stayed in each other's arms for the whole day and we even fell asleep on each other. I never realized that Scully meant the world to me until her whole world had collapsed and I was the only thing she clung  to.

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