Part 2: Scully

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So the new kid is,like, totally obsessed with me. Like, I guess I don't mind but Jesus get a life. We are on the same bus, live on the same street, and are in all the same classes except science. I'm in advanced science so it is my only class I don't see him. And he is really weird about names,like, he makes me call him Mulder instead of his first name which is Fox, and he insists on calling me Scully. But, whatever I don't really mind. In some aspects,though, he is ok. He is really funny and super smart. Mulder is a cool guy over all but the only downside is that everyone calls me ms.spooky just because I hang out with Spooky Mulder at school. I feel like if people got to know him they wouldn't be so mean. I have to admit Mulder is growing on me. The only thing that is holding me back from going places with him after school are my parents. They don't think a young girl like me should be with a boy, but I don't really care. Over all, I kinda like Spooky Mulder.

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