Part 17: Scully

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I led Mulder up to the flat-topped roof of the school and sat at the edge. We talked for a little and then it started to get chilly so I took out the alien pullover that Mulder had let me use. "Hey! I didn't know that you kept that!" He said, surprised. "Yeah, I wear it to bed because it makes me think of you." I said shyly. My cheeks went red and I put my head down so he would not see that I was smiling a huge girly smile. After a little while longer of silence I slipped on the sweater and snuggled into Mulder's side. He hugged me with his hands and we sat like this for a little while. "Oh! I almost forgot!" I said and turned to my backpack that was behind me. I pulled out a long, slender box wrapped in alien wrapping paper and handed it to Mulder. "SCULLY! You didn't have to get anything for me! It isn't even my birthday!" Mulder exclaimed. "Yeah well," I shrugged,"I was at the mall and I thought of you when I saw this and I HAD to get it." He shook the box and ever so carefully tore the wrapping paper like he was going to save it. Mulder closed his eyes and opened the box. Inside was a folder poster, when opened read "I WANT TO BELIEVE" and had a ufo on in the sky. "Oh. My. God. Scully, I love it!" He said and pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head. I loved when he did that, it was my favorite thing in the whole world. Then I looked up at Mulder and gave him a small, soft kiss on the lips. As we broke away he said"I love you, Dana Scully!". The only thing I could say was "I love you too, Fox Mulder!" The moment was perfect. That day was so perfect. We sat and talked about our feelings and how we both really liked each other. So that day we made it official that we were dating! I was so happy! It was the happiest day of my life. Well, it was, until my mother called.

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