Part 1: Mulder

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I never really liked high school. Last year I was a sophomore and everyone called me "Spooky Mulder", this year In my new school they just shortened it to "Spooky" which was kind of a blessing and a curse. It was only the second week of school and people already hated me. But there was one exception, a short ginger who had round glasses, a small nose, blue eyes, her name was Scully and she was in all of my classes except science. We were partners in bio, and history. She didn't really talk much to anyone else besides me, but I didn't mind. We were on the bus together, she lived two houses down and had a sort of a punk rock feel to her. She had one brother and one sister which were older then her and one younger brother. I learned all of this by observation, just watching and listening. I know that sounds a little creepy but what else should I do when she is pretty much my only "friend" but still isn't comfortable hanging out with me? Anyway, my little sister Samantha thinks I have a crush and her and calls her ms.spooky(she's in on the whole spooky thing too), but I don't think I do...well at least for now.

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