• Chapter 42 •

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A/N; Hey, yo, give my dad a big happy birthday will ya?! He's turned 51 and, that's right, his birthday is ON New Years Day! Comment if your birthday is also on New Year's Day or if you know someone with that birthday date. 🎊🎉
Ruby's POV:
First, Kiki was Cole's mate but rejected him. Second, Phillip found his mate, Heather, but just like Kiki, she was going to reject Phillip and is part of the Blood Red Cult. Third, Holly turned out to be Jake's mate and got kicked out of that cult, now staying under the pack house's roof in a spare bedroom. Fourth, Trent turns out to be Piper's mate and is also staying under the pack house's roof. Obviously Piper wanted Trent to stay with her but no one agreed with that! And now.....god damn Heather claimed to be kicked out of her cult and explained everything to Phillip, they both accepted each other, and then Heather got her throat ripped out by her sister rouge named Faith.

You know what? I'm just gonna go and hibernate like bear for the rest of the year. Cause this is way too much shit on my plate right now! I sigh and look over to the clock which is beside the turned on chandelier while leaning against the kitchen table, seeing it's 3:45 in the morning. Great. So so so much talking and drama happened today.

When we returned to the mansion, a broken down Phillip was waiting on the stair case, with Donny and even Cole rubbing his back as Phillip held a lifeless body of Heather.

Phillip slowly explained to us what happened, with this rogue named Faith killing her with Heather and Phillip accepting each other before.

Skylar brushed off the fact that Heather marked Joey, and helped burry Heather along with Fredrick, Cole, Donny, Holly, Phillip and Jake at our graveyard.

Holly explained how she was really good friends with Heather, with tears strolling down her face. The pack graveyard, just outside of our territory, is very small, with only 15-20 grave stones. Which is good, not good with the deaths, but good that it's small, meaning rare deaths happen here in the Yellow Moon Pack. Afterwards, we returned to the pack house and had a really, REALLY large and long conversation. So long I couldn't remember one third of it if I tried!

Well, besides the information that blew my mind. Like Trent knowing about vampires and werewolves since day one of knowing Corey. That's right, he knew about that shit! He knew every single thing happening around him, the mates, the shifting, the marking, everything!

The years of high school for Trent, knowing Corey and gaining information about werewolves and vampires, he so badly wanted to tell someone, especially Joey. But Corey and the whole cult threatened to kill Trent and everyone/everything he loved if he told any living soul. That's why he hid his parents death. Trent couldn't take it anymore and told Paul and Kile, obviously them not believing him and the two telling Corey about it.

Trent started tearing up in the conversation, with Piper comforting him very much. He also repeatedly mumbled "I don't know why he told me?" to himself, fiddling around with his wrists during the little meeting. It got us all worrying about him, except, and of course, Joey.

Joey just bailed to his room when Trent started the mumbling, looking quite pissed. Shortly after, Skylar went up and followed him, I'm assuming, comforting him and seeing what's wrong. Then, one after the other left and soon after, we were all up in our rooms sleeping. Well, I WAS sleeping anyway. After the information that was collected tonight, I can't imagine myself sleeping. I think of what's already happened, what is happening and what is going to happen.

What happened......don't think I need to explain again. What's happening......I'm in the kitchen in 3:45AM while Trent is sleep walking in the living room. Wait, Trent's sleep walking in the living room? I quite gasp escapes me, snapping my head towards the dark seeable living room. Trent's standing by the couch, having his back towards me.

He's mumbling something, but I can't hear from here. I creep up on him swiftly on my toes until I'm beside him. This close, I can understand what he's saying. "I don't know why he told me, I don't know why he told me" Trent mumbles quietly with a shaky breath. Is he having a nightmare?

His eyebrows are scrunch, with his bottom lips trembling and his hands vibrating. "Trent, Trent wake up" I whisper, grabbing his shoulders and shaking them. "N-No, stop" he pleads, swatting my hands away.

"Trent! Wake up! Come on dude!" I shout, with panic starting to overflow me. "I did as you said! What else do you want from me?!" He screeches, with his whole body REALLY shaking. Than, quicker than light, he drops to the ground.
A/N; Sorry for the short chapter, my iPad's about to die soon sooo, Cha Cha! 😭🔥

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