• Chapter 10 •

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Wait, what? Who, when? What, how? 🌻🌿
Ruby's POV:
A smile spread across my face as I opened up the door to the car. I hoped out and looked around my surroundings. Kids were running around the grassy field with families having picnics under the trees surrounding the field. This has always been a good place.

People consider it as the happiest place here in town, and I agree. Well, besides my bed, that's a whole other story. "Memories of salting ice cubes ay Joey?" Lulu asked shutting her door to the drivers seat. Joey scoffed and shut his door "Amazing memories".

We all crack up laughing as we walked away from the parking lot and towards the tree we always go to when we come here. It's close to the parking lot but away from the other trees with families. We all take sit in a circle, with Joey leaning on the tree. Joey sighs and closes his eyes, leaning his head back onto the tree. Lulu motions for me to stay quite.

I nod and watch her.

She pinches a bit of grass and silently creeps up to Joey. I smirk evilly and do the same. At the same time we swiftly push the grass up Joey's nose. We start cracking up laughing as Joey gasps and sneezes non stop. "You two!" Joey shouts coming towards us. Lulu and I quickly get up, still laughing our asses off, as we run from him. Lulu goes right, towards the truck as I go the opposite way, going onto the field more.

I look over my shoulder to see Joey gaining on me quickly. Of course he'd go for me. I turn around, planning to dodge him and run towards Lulu. But of course I was dreaming. In a blink of an eye, Joey tackled me to the ground. "JOEY!" I shout while laughing. He starts laughing as he pins my arms on the sides of my head.

"Come on Joey, off"I say, lowering down my laughing. Joey does a playful pouty face, "fine". But before he could move, Lulu out of no where tackles him. I start bursting out laughing as Lulu starts slapping him, with her on top of him. I stand up and walk over to them.

"Alright Lulu, that should do" I say, patting her shoulder. She stops and gets off him. "I love parks" Joey sighed, standing up.

"You change your mind like the weather" I say, shaking my head.He just rolls his eyes.

"Yelp, I'm hungry!" Lulu shouts, waving her arms in the air. "You're always hungry" I laugh.

"Could you blame me? Food is my life!" She exclaims. "It's basically all our life's since we can't live without it" Joey smirks. "Exactly! Come on!" She motions us towards the truck.

I shrug, "I'm down to get some food".

"KFC?" Joey asks us.

I nod with Lulu planning her meal out. "Alright so this is what I'm gonna get" she starts as we walk towards the truck. "I'm gonna get-" Lulu begins but never finished with over flowing screams and shouting. We turn around to see all the families and kids running towards the parking lot.

Along with that was viscously frightening growls and snarls. All around from the trees swarmed dozens of wolves. They were nothing like ordinary wolves, they were huge! Like the size of our truck huge! They had mattered fur with red bloodshot eyes. Wait, mattered fur, giant, red eyes, the crash. I gasp and didn't release how close they were getting. It was Joey, Lulu and I, surrounded by these wolfs as the families have driven off. "Uh, what the fuck?" Lulu cries out as she clings onto Joey.

"I don't know" Joey responds shakily, holding her close. I looked around frantically. The circle got smaller and smaller. Joey and Lulu were suddenly pushed out of the circle. Now it was just me, a meter away from all the wolves. I did a 360 turn and looked at all the wolves as they looked at me with hatred yet hunger and a hint evil. I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at this particular wolf right in the eyes. It looked so familiar. The brown mattered fur triggered something in my brain.

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