• Chapter 45 •

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A/N; After editing chapter 3, I realised, I should probably edit the crusty and unwell-written chapters AFTER I've finished this whole story. Pretty akamai, I know! 😝
Zero's POV:
"It's not creepy I'm stalking Nae alright!" I whisper shout into the phone "she's my mate! I'm allowed to do this!". "Whatever you crazy" Enth laughs. "Go and support your mate while she gets her bandages off you stupid" I shot. Ever since that rouge attack at the park, Ruby's shoulder as healed up well and today, as I keep an eye on Nae, she's getting the bandages off.

"I will! And at least I'm not stalking her like someone I know" he laughed before hanging up. I sigh and place my phone into my back pocket.

"Why did you have to drag us along" Jake asked, groaning. "Why not?" Holly asked hurt "this is fun! Hiding behind bushes on someone's property, stalking my bestie! Fun!"

"Keep it down Holly" I hush, with my eyes glued on Nae as she walks "and I brought you two along so it's less creepy if she ACTUALLY catches us. Cause if she caught me, on my own, stalking her, she wouldn't be so happy. But, since I have a friend of mine and a friend of hers along with me, then it's like a prank sorta thing". "Doesn't make sense one bit, but whatever makes up you happy" Jake sighs. "Awe, thanks babe" I cooked playfully.

"Watch it you slut" Holly warned, burying herself close into Jake's side. "Damn, I'm joking" I chuckled, studying her. She's not actually serious......is she?

"Dude" Jake sighed "you KNOW that vampires are super protective of their soulmates, especially if they're werewolves. Some say they're more protective than alphas with their mates".

"I don't think anything on earth could be more protective than an alpha and their mate, let me tell you that" I smirk, turning to Jake.

"Guys, matte black 'Free Candy' van 2 o'clock" Holly whisper shouts, with her eyes enlarging while changing to a blood red colour "Is there and ACTUAL pedo in that van" I growl, watching Nae stop dead in her tracks and eyed the van.

"Something worse" Holly spat "a couple of members from my old cult and Corey himself". "What are we waiting for?" I laugh sarcastically "let's rip off his head already".

"How about this" Jake said, thinking "by the looks of it, the door to the van is on the other side, facing towards Nae. We'll sneak up on the van and wait for the van door to open. And my prediction, is that the people in the van are trying to kidnap Nae".

"Plan is in action, now" I order, standing up. Nae continued walking, looking down at her phone. We took this chance and swiftly got out from behind the bushes and hid against the van in under a millisecond.

"Stop scaring yourself Nae" Nae mumbled to herself, with a hint of fright flowing through her voice as she sped walked. The van door then slammed open, feeling the vibration. "A little scare can't hurt anyone?" I recognised as Corey's voice, hearing the smirk as I heard him jump out the van, with three other pairs of feet following him.

"No, it can't, can it?" Holly laughed, jumping out from behind the van. Jake and I followed behind her, with all our hands balled into fists, ready to fight. "One of you, grab Nae" Corey ordered quickly, nodding in her direction. "Keep dreaming if any of you think you could touch her" I snarled, quicker than lighting jumping infront of Nae.

"Well, that's thing Zero" Corey laughed "my dreams come true, whether you like it or not". Corey smirked and swiftly stepped forwards. Before anyone of us could see, Holly picked up Corey and literally threw him, hitting these two body builders, causing them all to fall down. The only standing muscular man threw a punch at Holly, but before it could touch her, Jake swiftly jumped infront of her and caught the punch, bending his fist backwards.

The guy screamed out in pain, kneeling down as Jake continued to bed it back. Corey and the other two rose from the ground, with one of them charging up to Jake. But before he could make it, I stepped in his way and kneed him where the sun don't shine.

He grunted out in pain, holding his junior and fell to the ground. "You guys.are.useless!" Corey screamed out, throwing his hands in the air. "Hey! What's going on here on my property?!" A female cranky voice shouted. We all turn our heads to the lady, with black dead hair and faded wrinkles on her face. Wasn't the most wisest idea to fight Corey and end his life on a human's property, now is it?

"Oh.....uh?" I say unsure, turning to Corey and his men. But of course, they disappeared out of thin air. Even the van was gone. I gasped and snapped my head towards Nae, making sure that Corey didn't take her with them. I sigh in relief and jogged up to her, engulfing her into a hug. She sighs before giving in and wrapping her arms around my neck, burning her face into my chest.

"Okay, let's go guys" Holly laughed wide eyed. "Good idea" Nae said, pulling back while nodding frantically. "Hey, you people aren't going anywhere!" The woman screeches, coming towards us. "RUN!" Jake shouted, bolting off. And without a second waisted, we follow his lead, sprinting our asses off with the old woman chasing after us.

"Are we literally getting chased by an old lady right now?!" Holly laughed, continuing to run. "That's what I was thinking!" Nae said, looking back. I follow her gaze and see the woman stopping, catching her breath.

"I'll be calling the police on you brats!" She called out, waving her fist in the air. I couldn't help it. We all couldn't help it. Like the most funniest joke was just told to us, we all started to crack up laughing. Yes, we should be kind of worried about our consequences, but hey, it's us.
A/N; Heyyyyy, does anybody, at all, pop up in your head when that old lady mentioned the police? 😈 Till next time🔥.

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