• Chapter 58 •

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A/N; Sorry I didn't update yesterday, and so late for you Aussies. It's just that I don't want to finish the story yet! I'll miss typing it too much. At least it's not last chapter, it's the second last chapter😢😭. Time flew by way too fast💨.
Chad's POV:
'Come on, come on! Where is she Chad?!' Marco screeched at me as I dart my eyes around the field that's slowly dyeing down by the second. 'I don't know Marco?! I'm trying to find her!' I shoot back, whimpering as I sprint around the field, with the four of my paws barley touching the ground. 'Screw this!' Marco growled, taking control in a instant.

There's this feeling when your mate dies or gets badly injured where you feel useless, you feel like you're not worth living for anymore. They're your other half, and you need them by your side, you need them in your life. Yeah, THAT FEELING IS DEEP IN MY GUT RIGHT NOW! After I took care of a leech in the field, that feeling struck, and it felt like a sword got jabbed through my neck, stopping me from breathing.

Marco and I begun to freak out, searching for Lulu to make sure she's just injured. Cause if she's dead. Oh only god knows what would happen. We haven't picked up her scent thanks to the other scents in the battle, we can't hear her thanks to the noise in the battle, she COULD BE DEAD THANKS TO THE LIVING THINGS IN THE BATTLE! Just thinking about it makes Marco quicken his pace 5 times faster, with his eye sight fuzzing up which does not help one bit!

'The forest' Marco mumbled to himself, snapping his head towards the North-West part of the forest. 'The forest! Quick, GO!' I shout, letting him control as he sprints straight through the field, dodging weapons and flying people and rogues in their wolf forms. Once we've made it to the North-West part of the forest, Marco returns the control.

I sniff around, finding a speck of Lulu's scent which triggered my tail to wag. 'No time to be wagging our tail Marco' I sigh, following the scent as quick as possible.

'There's blood mixed with it you idiot!' Marco snapped 'she could be dead. It's all our fault!'. 'No! I refuse! She's isn't dead, she's just injured, she has to be! Now stop snapping, you're making it difficult for me!' I growl in annoyance. God I just want her by my side!

'Ugh!' Marco grunted in frustration before cutting the connection off. I huff in annoyance and continue sniffing, with her scent getting stronger by he second. She's okay, she's alive, she can't be dead, she's okay, please please please! "Chad! I know you can hear me, I can clearly smell you, hurry your ass up!" I hear Skylar call out with her voice cracking at the end. I snap my head in the direction of her voice, which was fadly leading to Lulu's scent.

I shifted down into my human form, swiftly putting my basketball shorts on that I had tied around my ankle and dashed towards Lulu's scent, which was getting stronger by the second. Now getting closer to her scent, the blood begins to really stand out, making my heart skip a beat. I appear from out of the trees to a small open area, standing frozen and take in my surroundings.

I ignore the lifeless bodies and focus my fuzzy eyes on my mate, laying in the middle of the open area, as her pale skin screams ghost with her bloody hand clutching onto the side of her body as tears rolled down her face.

"Quick Chad" Skylar rushes as she kneels down to Lulu, nodding down her direction "the other half of her will do a much better job at comforting". "You could say that again" I say with my voice cracking at the end as I rush over to them.

"Make sure she sits up" Skylar clarified, handing Lulu over to me.

"Chad?" Lulu mumbled, with her bloodshot, teary eyes opening wider. "It's okay babe, it's Chad. I'm here and I'm never gonna leave" I smoothly mumbled, placing a soft kiss on her forehead. "I've hated those bitches since I landed eyes on them " Lulu huffed out, glaring up at the sky.

"Who did this to you?" I clench my jaw, looking down hard at the ground. "Those lifeless bodies did that to Lulu" Skylar sighed, picking up a couple of daggers. "And I did that to those lifeless bodies" Lulu added, griping my hand with her non bloody hand. I glance over my shoulder towards the bodies.

"Well, at least they're finished for, now we just need to bring Romeo and Keith down with them" I sigh, glaring darts at Corey's lifeless body which has a knife deep in his temple and throat with blood splattered on his face and his eyes sealed shut, as well as Kiki's dead body which had a swamp green blanket covering her parts, with blood splattered on her face as her eyes remain open.

"No need to worry about Keith" Skylar huffed out "I saw Fredrick completely wreck him with my own eyes on the field, and it wasn't pretty". "I can imagine" I chuckle, glancing down to Lulu "sorry about your dad by the way".

"My dad died when they turned him" she sighed, locking our gazes together. "Deep" Skylar sighed, making her way over with those daggers resting in the holster around her waist. "Isn't it?" Lulu coughed, groaning in pain after.

"Come on, let's get to out of this battle and into the hospital" Skylar exclaims, grabbing a pair of daggers, ready to fight any second. "Good idea" I nod, slowly and steadily placing Lulu in my arms.

"Take it slow, please" Lulu hissed in pain, squeezing her eyes shut. "I'll be as slow as you need me to be" I reassure, giving her another soft kiss before standing up with her small adorable legs dangling off my arms. "Let's go find the others" Skylar says before fazing out. I suddenly look blankly down at the ground, receiving a mind link from Phillip.

"Hey Chad, it's Phillip here, where are you? And who are you with?" Phillip rushed, hearing exhaustion and worry in his voice. "I'm with Skylar, a dead Corey with a dead Kiki and Lulu whose badly wounded, we're also in an open area in the North-West part of the forest, is everything okay where you are?" I asked.

"Not one bit! Donny and I scanned the forest commanded by really, REALLY, cranky alpha after the war died down real good, and came across Nae crying her eyeballs out while cradling a lifeless, blood covered Zero. Corey's scent was all over him, so he must of done this. We're trying to talk to Nae and get info but she hasn't said anything." Phillip sighed.

"That fucking leech! At least Lulu and Skylar ended his life and gave him what he deserved! W-What about Nae? Will she be okay?" I asked, sorrow flowing through my voice. I can't imagine how much pain I'd be in if I lost Lulu.

"She'll be alright, I'll teach her and help her through what I went through losing my mate." Phillip explained, with his voice braking at the end "We're at the North-East part of the forest, near the hospital, come quickly". "We were heading to the hospital anyway for Lulu" I confirmed before dis-connecting the mind link.

"Who was that?" Lulu asked, already looking at me as I glanced down to her. "It was Phillip, giving some upsetting news" I sigh, a tear daring to come out. "What happened?" she carefully asked, resting her head against my chest.

"I'll tell you later, right now we need to get a move on" I explain, letting that single tear roll down my cheek.
A/N; I-I just can't, I'm gonna go and cry over here in the corner now, goodbye😩🚶🏽‍♀️.

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