• Chapter 6 •

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A/N; Do you know that feeling where you have everything set out and all planned and its 100% and your just like 😆😁😝!?
Enth's POV:
"Got the photos" Piper says proudly, tapping away on her phone.

"Alright good, now back to the pack house!" I say excitedly, zooming past Ruby's or Lulu's house with their navy truck in the driveway.

We followed the truck that led to a house. We saw Ruby and Lulu both hop out of the truck and enter the house with us in plain sight. We're not quite sure whose house it is? Ruby's or Lulu's? Or they could be living together? Either way, we'll find all of the answers to the questions once we get back to the pack house.

"When we get back to the pack house I'm swapping guard duty with Jake, so he can help out. Cool?" Chad says tapping on his phone.

"Jake's really good at finding information compared to you, no offence" Skylar says, turning around in her seat facing Chad.

He shrugs "non taken" and looks out the window.
"Home sweet home" Piper hops out the truck and stretches.

"Believe so" I say, walking up to the mansion infront of me.

4 stories high, fitting around 300 people, that are in the pack of course. Even the maids and chefs are part of the pack, a HUGE part of the pack should I say.

"Jake's meeting you guys in 5 minutes" Chad says, walking along side with me.

"Aren't we gonna tell our parents first?" Piper says, catching up.

"We should do that first before we start researching" Skylar exclaims, walking besides Chad.

"Look, here's what's gonna happen" I say stopping. The three of them stop and stand infront of me. "We'll get information on Ruby AND Lulu, for Chad" I say looking at him. "Once we think we have enough than I'll inform mum and dad about the two by myself. Cool?".

They all nod.

"Good" I smile proudly, continuing to walk.

I climb up some stairs with the three following and enter the mansion.

"I'm gonna get some snacks" Piper says clapping her hands and running to the kitchen.

"I'm coming!" Skylar shouts running after her.

"I'm gonna go get ready for my shift, good luck dude" Chad says punching my shoulder playfully.

"Alright, and hey, I'll be finding more than I should on Lulu for you. Don't you worry" I say winking playfully.

He huffed and rolled his eyes, beginning to walk up stairs.

I chuckled and followed after him.

He turned left, towards his room, while I kept going towards the office.

How hard can it be to get some snacks?

I huffed and put my head in my hands, getting bored out of my shit!

You know what? I'll just start without them.

Just as the idea popped into my head, there was a knock on the door.

"Finally! Come in!" I say sitting up in my black leather chair behind the dark oak wood desk.

As the door swung open, a heavy scent of perfume, not the good type, hit me in the face like a brick!

I look up and exhaled.

Of course it'd be her.

The pack slut that's been trying to get into my pants and has been trying to get the role of future Luna!


What happened? I guess it was the wealth from the pack that changed who she is today. A ratchet skank! Well, that's part of it.

Her and her mother joined this pack when she was 10, me being 11 at the time. The father sadly died from a rouge attack before they joined. She was really nice and caring, wearing suitable cute clothing and had an amazing warm heart. But ever since her mum died from those leeching vampires, she changed into well....her. The mum, Julian, visited the city infested with vampires, not so far from this town. Kiki started hanging around with the wrong crowd when Julian passed, wearing too short and too tight clothing with too much makeup and tries WAY too hard.

"Didn't know you were waiting for me, alpha" she says, swaying her hips like a uncomfortable seal doing her best smoothing voice.

"Kikiii" I groan annoyed, dragging my hands down my face.

"Should I say that groan's hot" she says standing infront of me.

"Go away!" I say frustrated, standing up and shoving her away.

She can't get to me, not like she has, but ESPECIALLY now!

I've found my mate, she's the only one I should be with, the only one to talk to, the only one to see!

"KIKI!" I snapped my head towards the door wide opened to see Piper, Skylar and Jake, with Jake holding all the snacks.

"Stop being such a whore!" Skylar says frustratedly, storming over to Kiki.

"You couldn't even get into bed with a hobo if you tried!" Piper laughs.

"Oh! Wrecked son!" Jake laughed.

I chuckled along with him.

Skylar than suddenly flung Kiki away from me and against the wall.

"I'm so sick of you! Your actually annoying me! His not even my mate and it's bothering me what your doing to him!" Skylar shouts in her face, standing over her.

I stand there shocked, watching.

This isn't Skylar?

Maybe since she's found her future Luna, my mate, she won't allow any other woman to be with me but Ruby. It's a pack thing, being protective for her Luna and Alpha.

Kiki stands there scared, not confident or kinky, nope, scared.

"Get out, now" Piper says sternly, using her alpha voice, pointing towards the door.

"Leave" I say, following Piper's lead, for once.

"Go" Jake adds on, nodding towards the door.

We all stand there silent for a moment, looking at each other.

"OMG WHORE GO!" Skylar says completely destroying the silence.

Kiki jumped in fright and ran out of there, with a tear slipping out of her eye.

"And the devil cries" Piper announces, closing the door.

"She deserves more than what I gave her, maybe a knife in her heartless chest?" Skylar says thinking.

"Alright girl you need to chill!" Piper says, taking a seat infront of the desk.

"I'll have to agree" I huff, sitting back down into the leather chair.

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