• Chapter 44 •

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A/N; Oh, sorry I took so long. I just made a quick cover for an amazing follower va_in_the_moon13 for her story "New Moon". Yep! J-Just madeee a coverrr. Yep! K, bye! 😂😛👍🏼
Nae's POV:
I yawn and stretch my arms out, sitting up. I squint my eyes from the sun light coming into my window as I glance over to the alarm clock, which is on top of my bedside table. "I've got another 30 seconds of sleep" I shrug, slumping back into sleep.

30 seconds later, the alarm went off. Who would of guessed? I grounded in annoyance, and slammed the alarm down, shutting it up! I continue to groan as I slipped out of bed and walk over to the closet.

"Before I get my outfit for school" I mumble, turning to my bedside table "I'll check the weather". I grab my phone and switch it on, with a smile growing on my face.

"That would of been embarrassing" I laugh, turning my phone off and placing it down "would of arrived at school on a Saturday". I sigh and fall back into bed, closing my eyes with a smile on my face. I've never been happier to stay in my navy blue, soft pjs. I reopen my eyes and glare at the roof, with my phone vibrating like crazy! I sigh and grab my phone, pulling it towards me. I giggle and open up my phone, seeing a message from my one and only Zero.

Wittle Z💞: Nae? Naeeee babe, wakey wakey!

Me: Come on Zero😩 I was sweeeeepinggg

Wittle Z💞: Well I have a major request for you, are you up for it?

Me: *shrugs* depends really? What's happening?

Whittle Z💞: Look, you're very familiar with Corey and Keith and all that right? Trent being Piper's mate and Holly being Jake's mate?

Me: Of course! I was there at the mall with you guys when they found each other! Why?

Whittle Z💞: Well, when Trent stayed over at the mansion last night, he was sleep walking/sleep shouting (as Ruby described it). His dream was a passed event on his parents getting turned (yes, the two of them are now leeches) and Trent mentioned how Corey was going to turn you and make you join the cult sometime soon! I'm about to crack my phone soon since I'm typing in rage! Anywho, I can't, and I won't risk Corey taking you away from me! Please, I know it's a huge favour but it's for your own safety (and you would of done it later on in life anyway). I want you to move into the mansion, with me. Please? Not only would I love you here, and hug you non stop, but Ruby and Lulu would love you here too.

Me: Wow, okay uh, I-I don't know Zero? My mum won't let me home until I graduate high school, plus, I don't wanna move out until I graduate high school.

Whittle Z💞: Oh yeah, you kind of also need to drop out of high school😁

Me: Dude, this is a lot! I don't think I can say yes to all this, I'm sorry.

Whittle Z💞: Nae, you don't understand. You're mates with the third in command of a very successful pack, with these rouges and this Blood Red Cult trying to take us down. They'll go through whatever or whoever to make us crumble down, even our mates. You're life WILL be in danger if you keep going to this high school AND if you're away from me, who can protect you 24/7.

Me: W-WHAT?! Why?! WHAT THE HECK?! I wouldn't be in this situation where these vampires and werewolves are trying to kill me to destroy your pack if I never met you! God Zero! WTF?!

Whittle Z💞: Nae, you're my mate, my soulmate, my other half! One way or another we would of crossed paths in life! Please Nae! Just go talk to your parents about dropping out of high school and moving in with me!

Me: Good bye Zero, I'll talk to you when you've finished talking nonsense!

I sigh and slam my phone onto the bedside table, standing up and storming over to my closet.
"While you're going for a walk up the street" my mum calls out "get some milk for cereal tomorrow". I open the front door and turn around, seeing mum coming towards me with 5 dollars in her hands. "Will do" I sigh, grabbing the money.

"Honey? What's wrong?" she asked, rubbing my both of my arms up and down "you've been down since you left your bedroom". "I had a little fight with him" I pout, looking down.

"Oh right, HIM" she rolls her eyes, walking back into the kitchen like I've done something wrong. I laugh and exit the house, closing the door behind me. Ever since mum has known about Zero existing, she hasn't been a huge fan. She's always been over-protective ever since she gave birth to me. I wish she'd lay off JUST a bit, but then again, I appreciate her love.

I walk down the stairs and begin my walk towards the park, then after the park I'll purchase the milk. It's nice and early in the morning, so no screaming kids playing on the swings at the park. I sigh in boredom as I cross the street. I then continue on walking down the path, pulling out my phone. Maybe a good text to Ruby or Lulu could cure my boredom.

Me: Heyyyyyyyyyy! You there Ruby?!

Me: Come on dude! Answer meeeee😵

Hmh, that's strange. Ruby ALWAYS replies in a millisecond. Maybe Lulu will answer me?

Me: Hey Lulu!

Me: Lulu, down the loo! LMAO! 😂

Me: Come on duuude text meeee

I glance up, seeing a matte black van parked on the side of the street. That doesn't screen "Free Candy" at all! Note the sarcasm. I take a deep breath and continue on, ignoring the van.

It's not like some's going to snatch me into the van. R-Right? Maybe I shouldn't walk passed it? A sick feeling starts bubbling in my stomach, rising up to my lungs as I stare at the van. "Stop scaring yourself Nae" I mumbled to myself, speed walking passed the van.

I stiffened as the van door slides open, causing a huge bang to go off. "A little scare can't hurt anyone?" Corey shrugged, smirking wickedly as he jumped out the van, with three giant, built men following behind him.
A/N; Hello! So, I won't be updating tomorrow! I know, I left it here, SUE ME! Anywho, the reason why is because I'm going over the past chapters and re-editing them. Yes, I edit my chapters before I publish them, but the chapters at the VERY BEGINNING, I've left some mistakes that I never saw, like the wrong "there, they're or their", spelling mistakes, ect. So, if you see a bunch of updates on this story tomorrow, don't worry, the story hasn't changed one bit! The plots, the events, nothing! I'm just re-editing. I might be able to update the NEW chapter (45) tomorrow, but don't get your hopes up. Okay now, Cha cha! 😁💞👍🏼

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