• Chapter 49 •

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A/N; HELLO!👋🏼🤖🤳🏼.......what? I'm saying hello to my phone, not you. Ugh, god💩. B T Dubs, there'll be some random teleports to different time zones through out this chapter so.......heads up if you easily get headaches from teleporting too much😆.
Ruby's POV:
"She has caused this, she has done this to him, Kiki killed him" I clenched my jaw, looking down at Cole's lifeless body as a tear streams down my cheek. "She'll pay REAL good" Phillip promised as Fredrick covered Cole's body with a silky white fabric.

"You guys head back to the pack house, Zero, Jake and I will take care of this" Fredrick sighed, with his eyes red and puffy while staring up at the remaining rope, tied around the thick tree branch. "Come on" Enth sighed, swinging his arm over my shoulders.
"I'm very VERY glad you have officially moved in" Skylar exclaimed, sipping her coffee. At the beginning of the week, Nae moved in! Not only does she live with us now, but she came at the perfect time too, joining us with training.

"I am too" Nae sighed, looking around the kitchen "it's like moving into a castle when you before lived in the garbage". "Tell me about it" Lulu chuckled, sipping her hot tea.

"How'd......you know......persuade your parents....I suppose, into letting you move out?"  I say, eating a spoon full of cereal while holding the cereal bowl from the bottom.

"Well, we had a talk" Nae explains "on how I'm responsible and how I'm here with my closet friends. I also mentioned how good my grades are, even though I'll be dropping out soon enough". "Turn that soon enough" Zara says "into a today". "B-But I thought Cole's funeral was today?" I say, scrunching my eyebrows.

"That's tomorrow" Lulu sighs, looking down "at the same place where mums funeral was". "O-Oh" Nae stuttered, scratching her arm. "I'm going to rip off Kiki's head and shred her fake, orange body into inch sized pieces!" I snap, crunching on my cereal. Yes, I know she's responsible for bullying, I know she's responsible for fucking guys and I know she's responsible for playing with fire. But what I know now, is that she's responsible for TRYING to destroy my pack and responsible for Cole's death.

And if I thought it couldn't get any worse with her, HA, I better think again. I swear on my grave, my packs grave, my parents grave, Cole's grave and Enth's grave, that I'll end this son of a bitch before she could get any worse! I personally think she couldn't but hey, she's one to surprise in the most horrific ways as possible.

"I assist to help" Skylar chuckles darkly, gulping her coffee down. "I'm thinking an AK-47 or an MP-11 to be shot in every part of her body" Zara says, pretending to think. "AK-47 sounds great in my opinion" Lulu nods, finishing her tea. "You people" I shake my head, having my last mouthful of cereal. "Could you blame us? It's Kiki for crying out loud!" Nae exclaims.

"I suppose I can't" I shrug, carrying my empty bowl and towards the sink.
"Why did you people take so long?" Lulu groaned in annoyance, dragging her hands down her face as Zara, Skylar and Nae jumped into the truck. "It was rather longer than YOU TWO dropping out of high school wasn't it?" Zara sighed, closing the drivers door behind her and clicks in her seatbelt. Skylar slides into passengers seat and closes the door as Nae does the same beside Lulu.

"Apparently Nae's more......I wouldn't say more smarter, but her school education is far more.....advanced, I suppose, compared to you twos" Skylar explains, hearing her seatbelt click.

"Well then" Lulu huffs out, studying Nae. "What can I say?" Nae shrugged, pulling the seatbelt over her and clicking it in. "We heading home now?" I asked Zara with my arms crossed over my chest. "Piper wants me to get her an Oreo McFlurry" she sighed, starting up the truck.

"She's not the only one getting Maccas right?" Lulu asked as sweetly as she could be, tilting her head to the side and smiling. "Only because I'm hungry and it'll be selfish of me not to get you girls something" Zara explains, pulling out of the school parking lot.
"I'll just have a smaller coke" I shrug, looking down on my phone. You sure you don't want anything else?" Zara asked me. I glance up to her from my phone and nod. "I'm not giving up all of that training JUST because of Macca's sorry" I shrug, looking down at my phone.

"Alright then" she laughed "Lulu, Nae, Skylar has already ordered, what would you two like?".

Wambulance💞🔥: where are ya booboo?

Me: Maccas babe, want something?

Wambulance💞🔥: Get mum to buy me an M&M's McFlurry! HURRY!

Me: Alright alright chill.....YA FATTY!😂😘

"Zara, Enth wants an M&M McFlurry.....asap too" I laugh. "Of course he does" Zara rolls her eyes "that's his number one favourite food on earth". "Oh, really?" I smile, looking up to her "Is there a little back story to it?"

"Not really? He just tasted it and fell in love when he was younger. And hey, if you wanna REALLY spoil him on your anniversary or some jazz like that" Zara smirks"I suggest you get him an M&M McFlurry. That'll do the trick". "What useful information" I smile, glancing back down at my phone.

Enth's so cute. I wuv hiiiim! After all of the orders are in our hands, we head back to the truck, heading back to the pack house.
A/N; Yes, short chapter and yes, boring chapter. But I'm just saving up my energy for the next chapter, oh, whoops! Did I say that out loud? And I ABSOLUTELY 100% hate myself for not updating earlier when I had the WHOLE DAY to do it! UGH! kmn😁🤣.

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