• Chapter 5 •

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A/N; INSTAGRAM PLUG - alph.em | and hey, "//".
Enth's POV:

"Did she see me?" I asked, sitting up and steering the car left, hopefully disappearing out of Ruby's sight. "You're an idiot" Chad sighs, continuing to shake his head. "Don't worry, we both waved nicely to her" Piper reassures me, pointing to herself and Skylar.

"A bit too nicely.....but whatever" Skylar shrugs. "What are they doing at the graveyard?" Chad asked worried. "That's what we're about to find out" I say, doing a 'U' turn and heading back.

"Remember, we're undercover here!" Piper exclaims. "Yeah yeah" Skylar, Chad and I say at the same time, getting sick and tired of Piper saying it over and over again.

"Just saying" Piper raises her hands in surrendering position. I parked behind 2 trees outside of the cemetery, keeping the truck hidden in plain sight. We all hop out and closed the doors silently.

"Alright, follow my lead at all times, understood?" I say sternly to each one of them. We all nod at each other before we begin moving. I take the lead, sneakily moving around the cemetery to the grave that Ruby and Lulu are standing by, moving swiftly and soundless along with the other three following swiftly. Once we reached around, we all hid behind a tree each, roughly 17 meters away from Ruby and her small friend.

We watched as Ruby placed the purple tulips on a gravestone, surrounded by other dead and worn out flowers. "She told me they were for decorating the house" I say, with hurt through the mind link to Chad, Piper and Skylar.

"Well she's not going to tell a stranger that it's for her dead friend, or family member, or who ever it is" Piper says in a duh tone, through the mind link of corse. We're being as quite as we can. We watched as Ruby's little friend handed her the roses. Ruby placed them next to the grave stone beside the gravestone with tulips.

"There's two" Skylar confirmed. "Surely they're her grandparents" Chad says.

We nod in agreement and kept watching. What I saw next made my heart shatter into millions of pieces and turned my legs into jelly. My poor too-beautiful-to-cry mate has waterfalls of tears coming out of her eyes. I let out a small whimper as I felt Shadow take control. But I quickly regained.

'Let me out!' Shadow growled. 'You'll run over to her and tackle her into a hug, we can't do that' I say annoyed.

'You know you want to do it too!' He fired back. 'I know, but control is key here'.

'Pfft, whatever' Shadow scoffed and cut off the connection. 3 other small whimpers were heard. Turning to Skylar, Piper and Chad, I saw them all upset.

With Ruby being my mate and me being future alpha (basically am alpha since I found my mate) means Ruby is future/now Luna of the pack. The pack cares for the Alpha and Luna deeply, but mainly the Luna. When she's happy, the packs happy, when she's sad, the packs sad, and when she's pissed, the packs pissed. You get the point. But Chad gets hit twice since it's the Luna AND his mate is all upset.

We watched them in silence as they sobbed into each other for a while. "Come on" Lulu said, braking the silence and pulled back "We've got 7 minutes until dinner".

"Today her birthday, she's 17" I explain to Piper and Skylar. "Why would she visit someone on her birthday? That just ruins her day!" Piper exclaims shocked.

"Don't know?" I sigh. Ruby nods and they both head out of the graveyard. "Enth, they're going!" Chad whispers worried.

"Once they're on the road we'll check out those graves, see who they are and research them once we get back to the pack house. We'll be able to catch up to them and find out where they live. Alright?" I state. They all nod.

We watch as Lulu and Ruby get into the truck and hit the road. "Now" I say, walking out from behind the tree. Around the cemetery was a black metal fence, with black metal gates at the entry. We all jump the fence and rush over to the graves. "Here, I'll take photos of the information" Piper says pulling out her phone and taking photos of the grave stone.

"Catherine Woods 15th September 1970 - 12th November 2012" I read out loud. "Thats the date today" Piper says slowly, putting away her phone with at least 10 pictures taken.

"And today's Ruby's birthday" Skylar says to me. I nod "that sucks".

"Brett Woods 3rd March 1972 - 12th November 2012" Chad reads out load, the grave to the right of this grave. Must of been a married couple" Skylar says.

"2016 is today" Piper says thinking "Ruby would of been 13 when they died". "How old was the couple when they died?" I asked. "Let's see.." Skylar says, calculating the years from today.

"Look guys, we'll figure this out when we're at the pack house, we have people to follow" Chad says in a rush. "He's right, we need to get going" I say jogging towards the gates.

"SHOT GUN!" Skylar shouts, zooming past me with her beta speed. "NOT FAIR!" Piper exclaims, chasing after her.

"NOT HAPPENING!" Chad joined them and all three ran right past me. I rolled my eyes and sped up my pace to a full sprint, catching up to them in no time.

"Ugh!" Piper screams while swinging the backdoor of the truck open. Chad scoffed "whatever" and followed Piper into the back seat.

"Looks like we have a winner" I say to Skylar as she sits in the passengers seat with a victory smile on her face. "You know it" she says as she puts on her seatbelt, shutting the door. I rolled my eyes and hopped into the drivers seat, starting the truck up and getting onto the road.

"I can JUST see them" Skylar says, leaning over towards the window.

"Me too" I say, focusing my vision on the truck a couple of miles away, but thanks to our wolf vision, it's like it's a meter away. And since Skylar is beta female and I'm alpha (I'm just gonna say I am now, hehehe) our vision, speed, strength and hearing is powered up, but of course mines more powered up then Skylar's since I have alpha blood. That's goes the same with Piper.

"Step on it dude! Don't want to be TOO far from them" Chad sooks. "Don't worry little baby, we'll get our mates" I cue to Chad, with a smug looking face on.

"How are you calm? Aren't alphas usually twice as worse as usual werewolves with mates?" Chad asked shocked. "Dad taught Piper and I how to control and maintain my wolf and myself when we find our mates or when we get pissed infront of humans, when ever my wolf needs to come out, we know how to control it. If Piper's wolf, Zara, and Shadow do get in control at the wrong time, it ain't pretty, it's worse since we have alpha blood. I accidentally slipped a bit infront of her with a growl, my eyes twitching from brown to gold and a long hug, but those slips were worth it" I explain, focusing on the road.

"I don't have that much control!" Chad complains "Marco almost took full control when we saw her, my mate! Imagine if her skin collided with my skin!". "Don't worry bro, we'll pull you back when you need" I reassure him. He scoffed "good luck with Marco". I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

I suddenly gasped and stepped onto it when I watched Ruby and her friend's truck turn right and disappear out of my site.
A/N; Hey.......................................ok bye.🌷🌹

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