• Chapter 20 •

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A/N; 20th Chapter (besides the |Introduction|), dang! Feels like I started to this STORY yesterday, with 7 chapters and zero views⛑💂🏼. Hey Zero! Third in command! Zeroooooooo.......
Enth's POV:
"Is this good?" I asked, turning around to face mum. "Honey it's fine, she'll think your absolutely gorgeous if your wearing a taco suit" she laughed, standing up from my bed. "Can we go now?" Chad asked, standing up from my black spongy chair that against my black desk. "Before I fall asleep. Please?!" Skylar playfully screeches, leaning on my bedroom door.

Mum, Chad and Skylar had come to help me get ready for the date. A few pack members and myself have set up a table with a beautiful view of the lake, with fairy lights everywhere and rose bushes surrounding the area That's AFTER the movies though, for dinner! It's perfect! Not as perfect as Ruby though.

"Alright, good to go?" mum asked. I nodded frantically, like a child about to get candy.

"Can we come to pick her up?" Chad asked. "Why do you wanna come?" I asked, with my head tilted. "So we can see our mates too" Skylar says in a duh tone. I roll my eyes "sure thing".

"Alright then! Come on come on!" Chad shouted, running towards the door. Skylar swiftly moves out of the way for him. "I'm driving!" Mum says to Chad.

"Not unless I get the keys first!" Chad says before disappearing out of sight. "CHAD! Don't you dare!" She laughed, running after him. Skylar and I made our way down the stairs. "Hey Skylar? Can I ask you something" I say, looking at her. She glances to me, then glanced back to the stairs "sure thing".

"When I was about to ask Ruby out, why were you so...you know....moody?" I ask. Wait, is she... Oh god! I'm such an idiot! I should of known it was the time of the month for her! It make sense!

She sighed "I was getting annoyed that Joey hadn't asked ME out on a date. Yeah we just met but still" she pouted. Oh, feel like an idiot now.

"Awe, come on" I say, playfully nudging her as we reach the bottom of the stair case. "It's not just that though" she said, looking down "Joey has a funny scent to him, besides the amazing caramel coconut scent. He has a scent of like, a mark on him?". "A mark on him?" I repeated.

"Yeah, it's like a faded scent of a vampires mark on him. When he was around I blankly ignored it, but now it's starting to bother me the more I think about the scent" she explains. "Hmh, strange" I respond.

"Isn't it?" She chuckled. "We'll look more deeper into it later on, cool?" I ask.

"Sound like a plan" she nods. I smile at her, receiving a smile back. "NO CHAD! YOU CAN HAVE THE PASSENGERS SEAT!" I recognised as mum shouting, yet laughing. "But I wanna drive!" Chad wined.

"No, he'll brake the speed limit trying to get to his mate" Skylar laughed. "Exactly!" Mum shouted "now hand me the keys". Chad sighed in defeat and handed the keys to mum, with his head down. "Good" mum nodded and hopped into the drivers seat while Chad hopped into the passengers seat. "Pfft, kids" Skylar sighed, shaking her head.

"Couldn't agree more" I say, entering the back seat along with Skylar.
"To the left or to the right?" Mum asked. "To the left to the left" Skylar, Chad and I sang playfully. We cracked up laughing as mum turned left. Our laughing died down, straight down, as flashing lights came into view. Dozens of police cars with 3 ambulance vans were parked close by to Ruby and Lulu's house. Scratch that, they ARE infront of the house.

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