• Chapter 8 •

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A/N; Pretty pretty please with a cherry on top PLEASE, read the bold writing, like so, 👈🏼, at the ending of the chapter. Ok, enjoy! And heyyy, "//".
Ruby's POV:
"Is it opposite today or what?" I chuckled buttoning up my white button shirt that hugs my body, a birthday gift from Nae last night.

"Leave me alone!" Lulu groaned and buried her face into her pillow, if that was even possible! My birthday dinner, besides the negatives of my parents death, was good.

I got presents (mainly clothes) as we had dinner, and after dinner we watched my favourite movie, "Fifty First Dates". My mum always loved this movie, just as much as I do now. 

"What's the time?" Lulu asked worried, lifting her head from the pillow. I looked down at my black Fitbit.

"7:20" I shrugged. "Plenty of time" Lulu got up from bed and stretched. I shook my head as Lulu scratched her butt and walked into the bathroom. In no time I heard the shower turn on. I brushed off some fluff on my light blue skinny jeans and made my way down stairs for breakfast.
I huffed annoyed as we walked past the hollering diots once more in my life along with Lulu. I seriously want to end the hollering bullshit! Even though it should not effect me what so ever, it's just annoying and IS effecting me. We made it onto the oval and we walked towards Nae and Holly as they made their way towards us.

"Aw, your wearing the shirt I got you" Nae awed as she walked up to me with her arms opened. "I love it!" I say and jump into her arms.

"What about my pj shorts I got you? Why aren't you wearing them?" Holly asked playfully hurt. I rolled my eyes "really?".

"Yes really" Holly chuckled. I pulled back from Nae and hugged Holly. Just then the bell rang.

"We NEED to get here earlier" I say to Lulu, walking towards the school. "We'll start using my truck to get to school, cool?" Lulu reassures. I nod in agreement and smile. We enter the school and head towards our lockers.

Lulu's and Holly's lockers and classes are on the other side of the school from Nae and I. We split into half, Lulu and Holly walking the opposite way Nae and I are going. Once we both got our stuff we together headed to our first class we have as partners, Biology.


As we walked through the not-so-busy hall, I glanced up to my left and stopped in my tracks. Against a locker was Kiki, but was very and scarily different.

She wasn't standing there sassy with her butt and boobs popped out, twirling her hair and chewing her gum loudly with people around her, she was standing there like she was a child that got caught stealing a cookie, all by herself like a lonely llama.

She held her head down and played with her fingers with her hair in a messy bun. And get this, she's actually wearing cloths! Instead of the too short and too tight cloths, she has an oversized black hoodie with grey sweatpants and no makeup on, making her eyes and lips look dead.

Nae followed my gaze and let out a small gasp. "That's different" Nae whispers to me. I nod in agreement, just as shocked as her. Kiki slowly lifted her head up and looked at me in the eye, sending these messages I couldn't quite understand. Standing there, looking at her, made me feel sorrow for her, wanting to help. I took two steps towards Kiki before I was roughly pulled back. I turned my head to Nae, a worried yet pissed Nae.

"Don't" Nae said sternly, like an order. I tuned my head back to Kiki to see her walking away.

When she walks, she sways her hips side to side, doing the cat walk and you could hear her heels click behind her. But this time, she walked away like a depressed snail, with a hunched back and her black snickers shuffling, not walking, shuffling.

"What was that?" I asked Nae. I was going to help. She shakes her head "I don't want you to get involved with her....again". I scrunched my eyebrows at her. She's not that bad?

"Let's just forget about her, come on" Nae nods her head towards our class and starts walking towards it. I look at her confused as I catch up to her.
"How is your day so far?" Lulu asked. I took a seat next to her and placed my lunch on the table. The cafeteria being louder than usually at lunch. "It's alright I guess. Where's Nae and Holly?" I asked.

"Their getting their lunch" she nods towards the line. I nod and unwrapped my burrito.

"So, nothing strange or odd happened?" Lulu asked, taking a bite of her chicken roll.

When she said "odd", the moment of Kiki being a whole other person popped into my head. "Oh, yeah something did happened actually" I say, taking a bite of my lunch.

"Spill it!" Lulu demands playfully. I roll my eyes and begin.

"So, Nae and I were walking towards our class, Biology, when something caught my eye. I looked up and saw Kiki, but she changed! She had no makeup on, had her hair in a messy bun with oversized clothing and her body language was powerful, strong and fierce to I'm-nothing-kill-me-now." I explained shocked.

"What?" Lulu asked shocked. All of a sudden, the cafeteria went quite and music started playing.


"Why is there music playing?" I say confused, looking around the cafeteria.

"You know those idiotic people start playing epic battle jams whenever a fight's going down?" She asked bored. "Wait? When a fight's going down?" I say puzzled.

She nodded. Then her eyes went wide in realisation.

"LULU! QUICK!" We both snapped our heads to Holly that's running over to us. I look behind her to see a crowd, with almost everyone in the cafeteria. 

"What is it?" Lulu asked in a rush. Holly came to a holt infront of us. "Your brother's fighting Cory" Holly rushed out. "What?!" Lulu and I both shout, standing up from our seats. Not even a second went by and we heard cheering and screaming along with tables and chairs being moved. The three of us quickly ran over to the crowd.

Holly stayed at the back while Lulu and I pushed our way to the front.

"Wreck him Corey!" A heard someone shout, with cheers after. Once I was at the front, I gasped at the sight. There was a puddle of blood coming form Joey and Cory, while Cory always ontop of Joey, punching him over and over. Joey was completely weak and defenceless, taking in all the hits. "STOP!" Lulu screamed, but that didn't do much.

It caught some people's attention in the crowd, but that's it. I take a deep shaky breath and stormed over to Cory. I can't believe I'm about to do this. In less than a second I crunched Cory's jaw, making him fall off Joey, laying on his back blacked out. I stood there in shock as Lulu helped Joey. I never thought that I'd punch someone so hard, it'd make them black out! I mean, it's like a unbelievable act for me.

To add a bonus; it was Corey I did it to.
A/N; So! Funny story, yesterday I went on Wattpad and published a chapter (• Chapter 7 •). At the time, this story "Shyly Asked" had 32 views. The next day I woke up but didn't check Wattpad and went to school. When I came home from school, I checked Wattpad and had GOD DAM 103 VEIWES! Ligit 0 to 100 real quick! So, please I'm honestly 100% curious who exactly is reading my story (besides 2 of my besties geeky_shrimp  and ReneeCarr1 ), so let me know by commenting. Your comment could be about "what you had for dinner last night" or "what flavour soap you used to wash your hands", anything out of the box random! Just let me know you exist, cool? COOL! Till next time🐣.

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