• Chapter 26 •

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A/N; Please read the bold at the end of the chapter. IMPORTANT QUESTION!😱😵. Btw, hope you like the chapter☺️🖖🏼. And also, with Lulu being and ACTUAL friend in reality, so is Nae! ReneeCarr1 👍🏼👻
Nae's POV:







What's the shit?! Leaving me here! At school! All by myself?! Oh, by the way, Ruby, Lulu and Holly aren't at school! Have they planned a party without me or something?! They also aren't replying to my text messages!

Did they all die or something?! Well, luckily the school bell just went, with everyone in the halls racing home. We always took our time, watching everyone race off. But nope! Just me!

Taking my time! Like I always do! J-Just with my best friends. Who I'm starting to consider as strangers for them doing this to me! For ditching me!

I grumpily grab everything I need from my locker, including my backpack, and head out of the school. I follow the path onto the street and start heading towards the local library. I need to catch up on a project that Ruby and I were supposed to do together. Yeah, together!

As quick as the speed of light, I arrived at the library. Entering the place, I recognised a couple of faces from school, but non of them I talk to. I sigh, walking to other side of this large library, where it's more quite.

I walk over to a white circler table that seats for 5 people, with other tables just like it spread around, placing my bag on the seat and take a seat next to it. I grab my work and get everything set up. "Long time since I've seen you!" I recognised as the most hated person on my list, with him squealing like a little girl.

"I really wish the last time I got to see you was the day before you dropped out" I sigh, turning to the one and only Corey "but sadly not". "Oh come on" he laughed "I'm not that bad". Something doesn't feel right. Yeah it's Corey, he isn't right, period! But, I'm starting to get this threatening and creepy vibe from him.

I don't know what it is, and I honestly couldn't care less.

"Your definition of bad must be completely different to the dictionary's definition" I nervously laugh as Corey moves my bag on the table and sits down. Yeah, sure, touch my bag why don't you. Wait, what?

NERVOUSLY laughed?! Something is definitely off!

"Well I AM pretty different than you think I am" he smirks. I don't look at him and try to pay attention to my work. "On so many levels you're different" I exhale.

I REALLY don't like this dude! Ever since he sent that snap that blinded me for life! But not only that, but the vibes! A moment of silence fell onto our conversation. But I wasn't complaining. Never wanted to say a word to him the day we saw each other. I glance up to him to see him already looking at me. Scanning my whole body.

"What do you want Corey?" I ask, clinching my jaw tight. "I know what I want" he sighs, standing up and pushing the chair into the table "but I can't get it here". I turn to him and glare, earning a wink.

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