• Chapter 39 •

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A/N; I know I've said this before in one of the past chapters, but I've worked on my bio again and I think it's flawless! I'm thinking about keeping it like that for a WHILE! Tell me what you think of it you guys! Also, I've tweaked the cover up for this story just a tad! Tell me what you think of THAT as well as my bio. Now, on with da chapter🤠👍🏼.
Jake's POV:
"All of us will go our own ways and shop around,we'll meet back here at 6:30 sharp, then we can go out to dinner together. Plan?" Fredrick asked, looking at each one of us. "Sounds good" I nod, with everyone else agreeing.

"Good bye to you all" Piper waved, walking off towards a clothing shop with Skylar, Piper, Nae, Lulu and Ruby hot on her trail. "We're going to follow the girls, you coming?" Enth asked, with Chad, Joey and Zero behind him. "Nah, I'm gonna go my own way, see you guys at 6:30" I say, backing away.

"Whatever suits you" Zero shrugged, with the four of them turning around and following the girls. I turn to where Zara and Fredrick used to stand. Key; used to stand. Not too far away, in between the crowd of people, I see them both hand to hand, with Zara kissing Fredrick's face, making him go as red as fire. I sigh and look around, seeing where everyone once stood is now empty, with me standing alone like an idiotic loner I am.

I don't know why, but ever since the name Holly was mentioned, my wolf has non stop been acting up. One second his hyper and happy, next his all depressed and sad, and another second his pissed. Currently, if I have an opportunity to be alone, I'll take it. Not only to calm my wolf down without anyone knowing and making myself look like more of an idiot, but to try and stay away from marked or mated mates.

I just......seriously hope I find my mate soon, with everyone around me finding theirs. Cause if I don't.......I don't know what would happen. I guess, the situation I'm in now would get worst by the second without my mate. I sigh once more, turning on my heels and walking towards the entrance/exit of the mall. No, I'm not leaving the mall. I just need some fresh air. In a blink of an eye and a lot of walking through crowds, I make it outside.

The mall is surrounded by parking lots, with cars filling them all up. And creepily no one's around, like a ghost town. And the light grey cloudy sky is making it MORE creepy.

Yes, may be creepy, but I shouldn't be complaining, and I'm not really. I squeezed my eyes shut and took a deep breath in of fresh air, with this amazing scent of mint and strawberries flowing through it, making a smile grow on my face.

I widen my eyes and snapped my head to left quicker than lightening, the direction of where the scent was coming from. Followed by the scent was a female sobbing, shattering my heart into micro pieces. I power walked towards the sobbing and the scent, which was coming from behind a red expensive looking car, in the middle of the parking lot.

'Mate! It's her! She's hurt! Help her! Help our mate! Hug her! Kiss her! UGH!' My wolf, Timber, grunted annoyed. 'She doesn't smell like a werewolf-' I say. But the scent isn't human. Before I could fight back, Timber, my wolf, snatched control, sprinting over towards the car. Once he made it to the car, he quickly sprinted around and stopped dead in his tracks, seeing a girl with back hair having her knees up to her chest, crying into them while sitting in between the red car and the grey car next to it.

Without another second waisted, Timber kneeled down to her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pulling her onto his lap. She gasped, snapping her head up and grasping his torso, revealing her mild green eyes with tears strolling down her cheeks. 'Timber, give me back the control, you're an idiot!' I growled. 'Just be gentle with her, but hug her tightly' Timber huffs out.

I mentally roll my eyes and shut my eyes closed as I gain control back. I re-open them to see my mate. smiling at me. "I'm mated to a werewolf?" She asked, sniffling. "Y-You're a vampire?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah. Y-You can reject me" she mumbled, whipping her tears away.

"Why would I do such thing! I would never reject you, even if you were a cow! Just.....just don't reject me either, please" I plead. I don't know why, I'm just getting these small bad vibes from her, like she's part of a horrid cult or something?

"No, never would I dream of doing that" she laughed, cupping my face. "Good to know" I smile, placing my hands on top of hers. "So, what pack are you from?" She asked, snuggling closer into my chest while looking up at me.

"The Yellow Moon Pack" I say proudly "a-are you part of a.....uh.......a cult?". "I was" she sighed "but they kicked me out, and I've been hiding out at the mall ever since. Now I'm thankful that Corey kicked me out, cause the pack you're in was the pack that my cult, Blood Red Cult, was trying to take down".

"Wait? Corey? You were in Corey's vampire cult?" I ask, wide eyed. "Please don't hate" she pleaded, with tears starting to brim up "I didn't do anything to harm the pack, I couldn't of cared less! That was why he kicked me out. Please don't reject me. I-I could help your pack! I have information for your Luna and Alpha".

"Babe, listen" I hush her, bringing her closer than ever "first of all, we've been through this, I'm never EVER going to reject you. Second of all, you're not going to help out my pack, you'll join the pack. Three humans are in our pack, so I'm sure a vampire could join. Third of all, you'd make everyone's world if you give us information about this Blood Red Cult and we'll end them once and for all".

"Ok" she smiled "ok, that can work". "But first, I need to know your name. I'm Jake" I smile, stroking her hair. "I'm Holly" she giggled, playing with my shirt.

"H-Holly? Pretty name" I smirk, seeing her face brighten up pink. Is this the Holly that was good friends with Lulu, Ruby and Nae? As soon as I was about to ask her if she knew a Ruby, Lulu or Nae, I received a mind link.

"Dude, meet us at the Purple Rose Café asap! Piper just found her mate and shit is going down!" Chad said, nervousness flowing through his voice. "What?! W-Who is he?" I asked.

"I don't know who he is, but I know he's human and his name is Trent, he also has beef with Nae and Joey, now Enth since he's Piper's brother" Chad explains.

"Alright, I'll be right there with my mate" I clarify, standing up. "Alright, you two can- WAIT WHAT?! Mate?! You found your mate too?!" Chad shouted, giving me a slight head ache.

"Just see you soon" I rush out, cutting off the mind link. "Who mind linked you? You fazed out for a bit while standing up" Holly explained, standing up. "That was our pack warrior, there's some sort of fight happening or something? Come on" I say, grabbing hold her hand.
A/N; Till tomorrow......😁👍🏼

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