• Chapter 56 •

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A/N; Sorry for the late update, it was just one of those days. One of those days where you're sleeping and your older sibling wakes you up by singing "WAKE UP! WE'RE GOING TO HAVE A DAY IN DA CITYYYYYY" Oh, you haven't? No one has had one of those days? Well then, my family is beyond odd😬💩🌈😁. PS, this is a very sweary and....icky, I suppose, kind of chapter. Why? Well, you'll see why.
Ruby's POV:
"GET OFF OF ME! You little bitch, asshole AHHH!" I scream, trying to get my ankle out of this rogue's mouth as it drags me into the forest, with me clawing the ground TRYING to get up and wreck it! But no, of course my AK-47 had to be thrown across the other side of the forest, and of course my daggers had to be stolen by the enemy. I looked around for help as I continued to struggle, but everyone was in a fight.

I mean, who wouldn't? In a battle field like this, everyone would be fighting AT LEAST someone! In this case, everyTHING would be fighting AT LEAST someTHING!

"Enth" I mumbled, seeing his large wolf figure in the distance as he stares down at his leg, seeing a knife resting through it. Before I could call for him, the rogue completely dragged me into the forest, dragging me deeper by the second.

"Ugh!" I grunted in annoyance, putting all of my power into getting my ankle out of this stupid thing's mouth!

And thank the lord himself, my ankle came flying out since I put ALL of my power into it, causing me to roll over and bash into a tree. "Crap" I mumbled, slowly and steadily standing up while leaning against the tree for support.

"I hope your poor wittle bittle ankle is okay" an evil, cringe worthy voice cooed. "So, that little bitch that dragged me into the forest was you" I sigh, looking over my shoulder. Luckily, I didn't see any bits of Romeo as he swiftly pulled up some grey shorts.

"I believe so" he smirked, coming closer to me as I positioned myself in fighting stance. "Oh sweetie" Romeo laughed, beginning to circle me "my plans are simple. You just have to work with me and I'll guarantee you that everything you want, everything you need, everything you dreamed of, will be right beside you".

"Everything I want, everything I need and everything I dream of is already by my side" I snap, glaring as he continues to walk around me "and whatever your plan is for me, I'd suggest you leave it to die! That plan will never happen on my packs, my friends and my mates watch!".

"Oh, but I think you'd want to know what this plan of mine is BEFORE you start saying how it'll never work, now wouldn't you?" He asked, stopping a meter infront of me.

"Oh how glad I am for this information of your plan about to be told to me" I laugh sarcastically, rolling my eyes. "Well, this is a part of it" he smiles, glancing at me, head to toe.

Oh no. This is an ambush. Isn't it? God I'm so stupid! But what happened was the last thing I'd expect. What happened was the last thing I'd hope to happen. What happened didn't feel right, it felt painful and horrid, nothing like how people describe it'd be. Romeo, in a millisecond, was right intfront of me, with his head buried into me as I felt two of his sharp fangs digging into my left shoulder, feeling my blood getting sucked out of me.

"AHHHHH!" I scream, punching, kicking, pushing, slapping and clawing him. But of course, NOTHING! I gasped, moisture forming in my eyes as the sick feeling bubbling inside of me quickens then ever as I felt Romeo's hands land on my bottom, gripping it hard. He then pulled his head back while lifting me up. I screamed at the impact and surprise of my back hitting the ground, groaning in pain. "Oh sweetie" he smiled widely, standing over me with his blood red eyes scanning my body as he grips the side of his shorts and starts sliding them down.

OH HELL TO THE NO! THIS IS- JUST NO! "FUCK TO THE NO!" I shout with my voice cracking at the end, forgetting about the pain and quickly standing up, staring at Romeo in shock "you are NOT, I mean NOT doing what I think you are!? "Surprise surprise" he laughs, appearing right in my face once again "at least you have an idea". And once again, that piece of shit picked me up and slammed me to the ground, but this time was worse!

This time he straddled me and pinned my arms over my head with one hand, while the other hands starting sliding down the side of my body as he leaned down towards my shoulder. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried my hardest to kick him off.

"That won't be happening anytime soon sweetie" Romeo breathed on my neck, pinning me down harder. Okay, now I really can not move. Now, I'm really fucked!

"No no no, G-GET OFF ME!" I screeched, a tear threatening to come out as Romeo chuckled, with his hand right back on my butt where IT SHOULD NEVER BE! "Oh sweetie" he cooed into my ear "you'll be missing out on a ride if I get off you, do you understand me?"

Before I could tell him to "JUMP OFF A CLIFF YOU SHIT HEAD!", my angle, my saviour, my love, my life and most importantly my mate in giant, midnight black wolf form came into view for a split second, with Romeo out of sight. I gasped at the sudden action and snapped my head to the left, seeing the large figure I know and love on top of Romeo.

Romeo's screaming made me cringe as Enth growled viscously while snapping at Romeo's face. Not so handsome now, are you Romeo? My eyes widen and my mouth fell into an 'O' shape as I witnessed him tare off Romeo's head and spat it out, with blood covering his snout and covering Romeo's face.

"Oh my goodness, okay um...." I breathed out, shakily standing up with a tear strolling down my cheek. His head snapped in my direction, with his booming golden eyes staring at me, with his breathing heavy and puffed out.....yet pissed. Okay, so clearly it's Shadow in-control.

"Oh, uh- um....h-hey Shadow?" I say unsure, scrunching my eyebrows together. In less than a second, Shadow landed on top of me, burying his head into my neck and inhaled deeply.

"You came at the right time" I laughed, another tear strolling down as I wrap my arms around his giant, furry neck and bringing him closer. Then what he did made my eyes widen and every muscle in my body stiffen.

Shadow pulled back and let out a growl that's make anybody's bones rattle, as he stares at Romeo's bite outrageously, with his eyes getting brighter by the second.
A/N; Soooo, that happened! But people, seriously, this is very close to the ending of "Shyly Asked", at LIFE! Well, for me anyway. Nah, JK BRUH! Alright, whateverrrrrrrrr, boo bye! Till tomorrow! 😁👋🏼

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