• Chapter 12 •

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A/N; Plow ba bloah; 👂🏼
Ruby's POV:
I've been sitting on this hospital bed forever! Memories of the field and the wolves have already flooded back to me. I've already soaked in my surroundings. Being in a 2 story hospital building close to a mansion, with pine trees everywhere, forming a thick forest. And I've already soaked in my injuries that hurt like a bitch!

Both of my forearms are wrapped up to bandages from the wolf's claws, and my shoulder feels all stiff with no feeling in it as that's wrapped up in bandages.

When I had awoken, I had my phone in my back pocket, vibrating more than a stampede coming.

It was Lulu and I replied in seconds, she was saying how scared she is. I asked her what happened after I blacked out but she blankly ignored the question. She's now spamming me with scared faces, at least I know she's alive. Joey on the other hand, hasn't replied. He probably doesn't have his phone on him but that wouldn't make sense since Lulu and I have our phones. Lulu tried texting him, but nothing.

I really hope his ok. Maybe he died at the field when I blacked out. I'm hoping not! Instead of a spam, Lulu actually texted me.

Lulu: I've been waiting for these people outside my hospital room to leave so I can bail! 😠😫

Me: Sammme!

Lulu: Whose outside of your room? Outside of mine is a girl with pale blue hair, girl with black hair with green eyes and a giant built guy with light brown hair and green eyes. Not gonna lie, his prettyyyyyyyy....😋

I know for a fact that Chad is there by the way Lulu described him, but I'm not sure about the two girls. She must have that sort of effect on him! The kind of thing I have for Enth. Weirdddd.

Me: hmh, strange. I'm not sure whose outside of my room.

Lulu: check!

Me: I can't! I'll get caught otherwise!

Lulu: do iiiiiiit!

Me: ugh! Fine! But if I die its your fault!

Lulu: wait what! Ok, never mind! Don't do it! I don't want you to die!

Me: brb 😵

Lulu: nononononononoononononononono

Lulu: NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

I place my phone in my back pocket and walk over to the door. It's difficult to tell what their saying, but I can tell there's 3 voices. I creak open the door as silent as I could, which wasn't that silent. I open it an inch wide and peak through. Nothing was there until another eye came into view. A dark brown eye sparkling with so much emotion.

The eye zoomed out and turned into Enth! I squeaked and slammed the door. I stand in the middle of the room. Thinking of some sort of plan. Wait, what? Why is Enth here?!

Is this his local hospital or something? I know for a fact his not from my town! I've never seen him around. Unless his been hiding in the forest or something? I look over to the window.

I'm only a story up, I'll be kind of fine if I jump? I gasp and turn around when two knocks was heard coming from the door. I take a deep breath.

No matter who it is, I have to act strong. No one messes with me! I storm over to the door and take one more deep breath before opening it.

"Hello dear" the woman infront of me says. She's really pretty for her age by the looks of it. She has cherry red hair in a high bun with sharp green eyes and amazing tanned skin.

"Hi?" I say unsure. "May I come in?" She asks.

I study her before nodding. "I'm Zara by the way" she says, introducing herself.

"I-I'm Ruby" I say shyly. No! No being shy! I.Need.ANSWERS!

POWERFULNESS! "What a beautiful name" she compliments.

Here comes the shyness "thank y-you". She chuckles and sits in the hospital bed, motioning for me to sit. I scramble over and sit.We sit there in moments of silence before I brake it.

"So, don't mean to be rude of anything but where am I? Which hospital? And what happened? At the field AND with this" I say, motioning my hands to my arms and shoulder.

She sighs a fazes out for a bit. I tilt my head at her in confusion. Can't those questions be answered or something? She snaps back from reality and stands up.

"I'll be right back with your friend and a couple of other girls. We're going to have a chat" she nods, walking over to the door. "Wait! Which friend" I say, standing up for on my knees.

"The short, dark brown hair girl, the guy is in the cells" she says quickly before leaving, closing the door behind her. She must be talking about Joey! Alright, so Joey's in the cells. I'll text a Lulu that to assure her his fine. Well, I hope so anyway. Wait, they have cells here? What are they, like some royal family?

Do they have a king and queen here or something? Well, it'd make sense about the mansion in view but- My thoughts got cut off by my phone making a noise. I grab my phone and open up the text. I gasp at the message Lulu sent.

Lulu: this is it!

Lulu: I'm actually going to die!

Lulu: I hope you know that I love you so so much as my sister from another mister!

Lulu: Screenshot this so you'll remember me! 😵😵😵

Me: Lulu, stop!

Lulu: good bye😔

Me: Lulu

Me: Haha very funny! This is no time for jokes Lulu.

Me: This is a serious situation!

Me: come on Lulu seriously!

Me: Lulu!

Me: Lulu please?!


What if she's not messing around and someone has ACTUALLY killed her!? What if that's the last message I'll ever get from her!?My breathing has quickened as I look around the room frantically. What am I going to do?! I can't just let them kill her! But where is she?! What if theses people are murderous cannibals?!

I scream and grip the end of the bed as the door flung open as quick as lighting, making a sound like a gun being fired.
A/N; 😐; eheheh, soooo...... Next chapter!

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