• Chapter 59 •

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A/N; Writers Block, what can I say? 😐😆💥
Phillip's POV:
"Get Nae to the rest, try to comfort her on the way and make sure she doesn't get hurt more than she already is!" I order Donny, storming towards the scent that I never thought I'd smell for a while. That scent was her. The one that put me through that horrid pain. The one that appeared for 10 seconds, making my life completely useless in between each of those precious, precious seconds.

I know I've gotten over the bridge, but......the feeling I've walked away from had returned in a split second, like the scene of losing my mate was just yesterday, all thanks to this scent filling my nostrils in rage. The scent belonging to this so called "sister" of Heather's.

Faith. I shouldn't be surprised that Faith has teamed up with those leeches and rogues, it'd make perfect sense AND it matches with the puzzle pieces. Just adds to the list of reasons why Faith should be vanished on the earth's surface.

I'm sure there's a lot more reasons to add that I don't know of, and reasons to add that I couldn't give a shit less of.

"I'll make sure of it, and good luck with that rogue" I heard Donny sigh as I jogged behind a tree and striped down. Poor Nae. I never attended for any of my close friends to be put through what I was put through. I promise myself that I'll risk anything to take care of Nae, to help her take baby steps over the bridge and to make sure she doesn't end up like Cole. I don't know what I'd do with myself if Nae ended her life. Just seeing her like that......it.........it really hurts me.

I-I can't explain why. I'm also g-getting those......affects.....those affects when you meet your mate for the first time. I don't know what's up with that, but right this instant, there's no time and I'm pushing it aside. I sigh and tie my cloths around my ankle, shifting into my wolf form and stretching my shoulders out.

Oh how bad this bitch is gonna get it! I growled lowly, sprinting in the direction of Faith's scent. I wonder if she's here just for the show or if she ACTUALLY helped them, Corey's colt and Romeo's pack? In that case, I'm avenging my long gone mate AND following the commands from Alpha.

~ Couple Of Minutes Ago ~

"The war seems to have died with us winning as their leaders are shredded into pieces. Phillip! Donny! I want you two to go and clear the east side of the territory, with you two, Piper and Skylar, clear the west. Make sure every single rouge and leech that are trying to escape crumbles into ashes" Enth growled viscously with his glowing yellow eyes piercing at each one of us, keeping Ruby as close as he can to his chest, making her wince once and a while from the amount of strength.

I glance around and sigh.

Some pack members are on the look out for anymore rouges or leeches, watching on high alert around the border of the forest. Other pack members are helping the wounded and drag the dead bodies across the field in sorrow, placing a white, thin blanket over their faces.

May those strong members rest in peace. "Sweetie, I think it's time to let Ruby go now. We can burn Romeo's mark off tonight and-" Zara reassures, carefully approaching him.

"I'll not let her go! I refuse! I'm majorly, strongly, highly stupid and oblivious to let that prick do that to her!" Enth growled "now hurry up and leave you four! NOW!" Without another word spoken, the four of us broke into a sprint, heading towards the instructed direction.

~ End ~

I'm not sure how long it'll take for a Enth to calm down about that bite from Romeo, maybe he'll calm down after the mark has been burnt off, which will be highly painful for Ruby. He could possibly NEVER get over it and keep Ruby that close for the rest of his life. If so, Ruby better start getting comfortable. My growls grew bigger and stronger as my sprint became faster, with Faith's scent coming closer.

I stopped growling and came to an open area, seeing a bright blonde girl kneeling down to a headless, covered in blood Romeo, with her head hung low.

Her scent matches with the correct scent I was looking for. Faith's scent. "You know, it's rather that karma is a bitch to you..." she laughed, standing with her back towards me "or...you're a bitch to karma".

Just then, Faith flipped backwards with her body beginning to expand and fur begins to perk up from her skin as he clothes begun to tare. Faith's sunflower, coloured wolf lands with a loud thud, snarling as she turns my direction, only 5 feet away. 'I wonder how it's feel to avenge our mate' Cozmo snarled, threatening to come out.

'It'd feel a little something like this' I laugh, allowing him to take control.

Quicker than a blink of an eye, Cozmo lunged towards Faith and dropped her down to the ground, with the jaw perfectly locked onto Faiths neck. She wiggled her body and snapped her teeth as hard as she could, but no matter how hard she tries, she's not getting out of our hold alive. In frustration, Cozmo bites down with all of his power until he hears a huge crack, echoing through the trees. He stands up straight and dropped the lifeless body to his feet, glaring holes into it.

'That wasn't enough pain' Cozmo growl in annoyance 'I wanted her to get a slow, painful death, not a quick painless death!' 'At least she's dead and we've avenged our mate' I sigh, gaining my control back and switching our connection off.

I have to agree with Cozmo on that one, she should of suffered....a lot. I'll be tripping myself over that for a while now. I just know it.

"Phillip? You there? Inform me, what's going on?" Donny's panicking voice echoed through the mind link.

"That scent of the rogue belonged to Faith, the sister and killer of my passed away mate" I sighed "and obviously, I ended her life and I'm now making my way back. Tell the Alpha and Luna there are no more rogues on the east side".

"It's good that you've avenged your mate, and I'll inform the Alpha and Luna right now. By the way, head towards the hospital, you'll see us all there" Donny quickly explained before shutting the connection off. I sighed and slowly glanced at the lifeless body of Faith. I'm praying to god no more of my friends are badly wounded or have passed away. I turn towards the direction of the hospital and start sprinting.
A/N; Phew, now that's out of the way, I can ACTUALLY work on my last chapter. I swear to all people out here on earth, it'll be done sooooon. Fighting through this bullshit liiiiiife!😭🔥

|Shyly Asked| ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें