Part 31

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You look at the tall, green/blue eyed, brown haired man you once fooled around with and even dated for two months. You watch his eyes look you up and down before having a smirk form at the edges of his lips.

"Jackson..." You say so softly that it was barely heard.

"I can see you're still looking well." Jackson smirks, leaning against the wall of the shower.

You stand there not believing he's actually he's actually back from London and in Beacon Hills; you and Jackson broke up because he left for London and long distance just wouldn't work...for either of you.

"I don't know whether to hug you or slap you." You say squeezing the towel tighter around you.

"I think you can do whatever you'd like because I deserve it for leaving you when you needed me most." Jackson admits. "I'm sorry.

You slowly form a smile before running and jumping into his arms. Jackson returns the hug, holding you in his arms breathing in your scent.

"I can't believe you're back." You whisper against your neck.

"I came back because I missed the girl I left behind." Jackson replies slowly bringing his head back so he can face you.

"Jackson..." You sigh, slowly removing your arms from around him. "A lot has changed since you left."

Jackson takes your hands, rubbing the tops of your knuckles with his thumbs.

"I know...But you haven't changed." Jackson smiles softly as his eyes scan your face. "Other than now you're naked and showering in the boys locker room."

You laugh at the fact you're still in a towel while hugging him.

"Right...I just have to get changed and then-" You start before Jackson interrupts.

"Then you'll skip classes and do fun things with me and catch up." Jackson states not really leaving it optional.

"But Jackson-" You start.

"Nope, not taking no for an answer." Jackson smiles taking his keys out of his pocket. "Go get dressed and we're going for a drive."

You playfully roll your eyes.

"Fine, can you wait outside while I change?" You ask smirking walking back to where the clothes was.

"But I've seen it all before." Jackson playfully winks.

You raise your eyebrow at him and shake your head, motioning him to the door.

"Fine, I'll go wait outside." Jackson chuckles walking out of the locker room.

You smile to yourself not believing he's back and change into the clothes that were in your locker:

You grab the towel and toss it on a bench before walking out; you see Jackson leaning against the wall.

"I like it, simple yet sexy, yet your own style." Jackson smirks looking you up and down.

You grin to yourself and does a little spin.

"Why thank you." You smirk walking the halls with Jackson.

You both walk out to the front of the school and he opens the passenger door to his Porche so you can get in.

"I thought I recognized this baby." You grins getting in.

"She's not easy to forget." Jackson adds looking at you before walking and getting in the drivers side.

"So where are we going?" You ask rubbing the dashboard.

"You'll see." Jackson smirks. "It's a surprise..."


What do you think of the story so far? What do you think happens next? Is Jackson back for good intentions or to finish what he started before he left? Leave feedback :) xx

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