Part 25

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"Still don't know what you're talking about so let's change the subject." Aiden rolls his eyes.

"You look at her like you did with-" Kali starts before Aiden stands.

"Shut your trap before I shut it for you." Aiden growls.

"Hitting a soft spot?" Kali smirks evilly.

"I know what I'm wearing tomorrow; get out." Aiden glares opening his door wanting her out.

"But-" Kali starts happy with how she got the reaction from him.

"Get out!" Aiden yells punching the wall beside her head.

Kali smirks before leaving; Ethan walks in soon after.

"Whoa, what happened in here?" Ethan asks looking at the wall.

"Nothing, you can go now." Aiden coldly says.

"Aiden, you're my brother." Ethan starts as he sits on Aiden's bed. "What did Kali say?"

"Nothing important now- Ethan, I want to be alone." Aiden sighs. "Please."

Ethan nods before standing.

"You know where to find me." Ethan mentions giving a small smile.

Ethan walks out the door and shuts it behind him...


Derek paces around the room.

"I never should've trusted him!" Derek yells taking out his anger.

"Derek, give Stiles some credit." Scott sighs.

"Yeah, he must've taken her somewhere she's more comfortable to talk." Isaac smiles reassuring Derek.

"He's been with you for a while now, you have to trust him." Scott adds.

Derek sighs and nods.

"He better not do anything stupid then." Derek plops on the couch.

"The virgin of this group is out with your sister." Peter chuckles. "Good luck getting that out of your mind."

Derek growls fisting his hands.

"Don't you hate causing fights?" Scott glares at Peter.

"I think it amuses me when I'm bored." Peter smirks.

"Asshole." Isaac mumbles rolling his eyes...


"Mmm Stiles." You moan tugging his hair.

"Uh..." Stiles starts as you lean up on your elbows.

You look at him confused.

"What? What's wrong?" You pant ready for him.

"I...well I don't- I haven't done this and I don't want to mess this up." Stiles admits biting his lip leaning over you.

You playfully roll your eyes.

"Stiles, I'm naked. I'm underneath you." You bite your lip. "Just let your body take control and I promise you'll be fine."

You sink your nails in his hips moving your hips up and grinding yours against his. Stiles closes his eyes and holds himself up by placing his hands in the sand beside your head.

"D-damn." Stiles manages to say before moving his hips down.

Stiles grazes his tip against your entrance before sliding into your walls...


You wake up just on sunrise, noticing you're laying on Stiles. You bite your lip before carefully moving off him and putting back on your bra and underwear.

"It wasn't a dream..." You whisper to yourself.

You sigh and shake your head.

"He must've been horny and went along with it." You sigh before pulling back on your tank top.

You place his jeans just over his legs so when he wakes up, he will be covered. You smile to yourself before kissing his cheek.

"I'm sorry, Stiles." You sigh before walking back up the beach.

You walk along the road before peaking through the big window of the loft.

"She's still not in her room!" Derek yells. "She's been gone all night! What if the alphas took her and Stiles?"

"Well, they both have school today." Isaac mentions. "And so do Aiden and Ethan so if they took them, we'll find out."

"Don't worry, they'll be there." Scott assures Derek...


You sneak back into your room and quickly change to get ready for school; you fix your hair and make up before packing your books in your bag. You grab the bag and jump out the window before running deep in the forest; you look left and right before screaming in frustration. The scream makes you feel better.

"I'm so stupid." You say to yourself before punching the tree.

You smirk at the power you have now that you're an alpha; you let out a deep breath before walking back to school. You walk in and soon enough, Isaac and Scott come up to you.

"Oh, hey guys." You smile opening your locker.

"Don't 'hey guys' us." Isaac frowns. "Where were you last night?"

"I was with Stiles." You nod. "We went to talk somewhere more private so you two don't hear our conversation."

"Now that you mention it, have any of you seen Stiles?" Scott asks looking around the corridor.

"YN, do you know where he is?" Isaac asks. "You were the last one to see-"

"YN!" You hear someone yell your name.

That voice was the one and only, a pissed off Stiles...


What do you think of the story so far? What do you think happens next? What happens now between you and Stiles? What happens between you and Aiden? Leave feedback :) xx

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