Part 9

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Stiles takes a deep breath before glancing into the room you're in. 
"When she comes back down from werewolf crazy town, I'll talk to her." Stiles nods. 
You start groaning and looking around again; your claws start to come over your nails. 
"Crap she's awake again." Ethan says as they back away. 
"Mom, Derek, you both better get out of here." Scott says turning into a wolf. 
Aiden and Ethan turn too as Derek sighs knowing he can't help. 
"Don't hurt her." Derek says softly before walking out with Melissa. 
"What's going on in there?" Isaac asks as Derek shuts the door behind him. 
"YN's awake." Melissa says as Derek walks over to the window and stares out into the night while leaning against the wall. 
"So she's alive and well?" John asks. 
"Alive, yes. But well? That's a different story." Melissa says. 
"What do you mean?" Stiles asks concerned. 
There's crashing and breaking of chairs in the room. 
"She lost a lot of blood and the tip of the spear is still in her shoulder." Derek mentions not taking his eyes off the night. 
"Why didn't they pull it out?" Stiles asks getting frustrated. 
"The boys were doing it; they could've done more harm than good." Melissa says. 
The window breaks in the room as they all look at the door you were in as all they heard straight after was silence. No breaking, no yelling, no growling...Nothing. Derek looks at his watch before looking back out the window. 
"It's sunrise." Derek says quietly. 
Ethan opens the door with a tear down the front of his shirt; all the boys look like they all put up a pretty tough fight. 
"She's finished for now." Ethan says as Scott and Aiden bring you out motionless. 
"What happened?" Isaac asks. 
Melissa holds Scott's face in her hands. 
"Are you okay?!" She asks checking his face worried. 
"I'm fine mom." Scott says chuckling. "I'll heal, but she needs to be okay." 
"We have to take her back home and lock her down good." Aiden says as they lay you on the couch. 
"Mom, you'll be able to get the tip from her shoulder now." Scott says. "She won't wake up too soon." 
Melissa grabs her bag and sits on the bit of couch beside you; she starts taking off the padding. 
"You guys can go now." Stiles says to Aiden and Ethan. 
"Look Stilinski, whether you like it or not, you need us." Aiden says walking up to Stiles. "Without us, YN would've killed a bunch of people last night. I know you care about her just as much as me but I think-" 
"You don't know anything about her or me." Stiles glares standing in front of Aiden giving him a dirty look. 
"I know enough." Aiden growls. 
They stay silent for a minute before Isaac and Ethan push both boys back. 
"Not today, we don't need this." Isaac says to both the boys. 
"Uh...Guys." Melissa says confused. 
"What's wrong?" Derek asks already by your side. 
"Her skin." Melissa says pointing to your shoulder. "I think she's healing but over the tip." 
"What should you do? Leave it in?" John asks. 
"It's going to cause her more damage after the full moon is over if we do that." Melissa says. 
"You have to open her back up then." Isaac says softly. 
"Can I have someone hold the flash light?" Melissa asks as Stiles volunteers. 
Stiles holds the flashlight over your shoulder. 
"So does anyone want coffee or tea?" John asks. 
"Sure, we'll help you." Scott says motioning to Isaac, Aiden and Ethan while Derek stands back by the window. 
They all follow John to the kitchen. 
"Miss McCall and I will take a coffee!" Stiles calls. 
He watches as Melissa cuts open your shoulder; she brings her tweezers down and pushes into the hole she made as Stiles gags as she laughs softly at him. She continued making the hole bigger as she spreads the tweezers further; she grabs another set of tweezers and digs between them as Isaac comes out with the coffee's and gags slightly after putting them down on the bench. He turns away sipping his. 
"Have you got it yet?" Isaac asks. 
"Almost, it should be here somewhere." Melissa says as she feels around. "Found it." 
Melissa tries to grip it with the tweezers. 
"Damn, Isaac can you please hold these, sweetie?" Melissa asks. 
"But-" Isaac starts. 
"You have to or I'm going to lose this tip." Melissa says. 
Isaac holds the set of tweezers that was spreading the wound open. 
"Almost...Got it!" Melissa says as she grabs the tip with the tweezers. 
She slowly pulls it out of your shoulder. Stiles and Isaac look away trying not to gag. 
"So gross." Stiles mumbles. 
"Now Isaac, slowly take out the tweezers." Melissa says as Isaac does what she says. 
Stiles sips his coffee as Melissa starts to stitch up your wound. 
"She should be okay now, right?" Stiles asks. 
"Yeah, now she should." Melissa nods as she cuts the end of the thread and putting padding on it. "Can't say she wont be sore as hell." 
"At least she's okay." Isaac says. 
"Can't say the same for him." Melissa says glancing at Derek. 
Derek's still standing by the window. 
"I'll go check on him." Isaac says before walking over. 
"So YN just came here after she got injured?" Melissa asks drinking her coffee. 
"I guess so." Stiles shrugs. "You saw the condition she was in; she showed up on our doorstep saying she can't remember anything that happened. She wanted me to chain her up and not take her to the hospital." 
"I heard what happened from Aiden and Ethan when they were fixing her in the room." Melissa says staring at your face. "She has a soft spot for you, Stiles. There's a reason she came here instead of anywhere else."
Stiles curiously looks at her. 
"She trusts you more than anything, she went to the one person she knew would help her and make her feel safe." Melissa says. "She made sure she wouldn't hurt you, she knew you would've helped her and thought of something because you're a smart kid." 
Stiles strokes your hair smiling to himself. 
"Maybe I was just blinded by something for a while and she may have realized I can now see." Stiles says softly...


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