And You're Trying To Say...?

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I woke up on top of Jack, and when I mean on top, I literally mean on top. My chest was touching his chest, my arms were either side of his head, and my legs were in between his long lanky ones. The covers were scrunched up like a messy paper ball at our feet, and the pillow to my left was left lonely. I looked at the digital clock on the bedside table. Bright orange lights formed the numbers 3:29. Normally I would snuggle further against Jack and fall back asleep, but I really needed some advil and a trip to the bathroom. This time I didn't think about it for another couple of hours, and just got up. With a headache like the one I had, I wouldn't have been able to fall back asleep.

I tried getting up slowly, hoping I wouldn't wake up Jack. But of course, that was impossible in the position we were sleeping. We were basically glued together. Jack stirred after I had managed to stand up without making the floorboards creak. He stopped moving and I thought I was in the clear, but I was proven wrong. I took my first step when my hand was suddenly grabbed. My heart stopped for a second and I jumped. It was literally terrifying to have someone grab your hand in the dark without you knowing.

"Where are you going?" Jack mumbled, his eyes barely open as he studied my silhouette.

"I need some advil and have to use the bathroom," I explained, hoping he would let me go so I could hurry up.

"Ok, I thought you were leaving me, you seemed so careful and quiet."

"I'll never leave you... Now, let me go or I'll pee right here. Drinking way too many glasses of water and not going to the bathroom before you go to bed is a really bad idea."

He dropped my hand, "please come back afterward."

"I will," I went to the bathroom and took two pills before using the bathroom.

Jack seemed to show his soft side when he was basically still asleep. I guessed that today's events really had him worried. He probably thought I was going to leave because of the pregnancy scare; I would realize what a mistake it was to date him and leave without saying goodbye, just like the many one night stands he had. But I wasn't going to do that. Sure, I did think that this relationship would eventually end, but that wouldn't be for a long while. It was pretty scary knowing that this could either turn into us staying together for the rest of our lives, or have us breaking up. There was no way either Jack and I were ever going to settle down, it just wasn't how we worked. But as long as this relationship was doing well, I would not give up on it.

I trudged back into the bathroom, not being able to see anything in the darkness, and found my way back to the bed. Positioning myself, I made sure to fall right back on top of Jack. He let out a groan and a lot of air.

I nuzzled my face in the crook of his neck, "I came back."

"You literally take my breath away," he said, still out of breath completely.


We stopped talking and the buzzing of the radiators took over. I slowly started drifting back to sleep, when I noticed something; something I didn't even want to deal with right now.

Hospital Beds and Memories (All Time Low Fanfiction | Jack Barakat)Where stories live. Discover now