Palmoplantar Hyperhidrosis

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Cameron entered the hospital room again. It was currently 5 pm and I was ready to leave this place. I had spent a lot of time at hospitals, yet I always hated them. There was something about the smell that gave me the creeps. Strangely enough, it didn't really faze me that a lot of people had died in the building. Everything was just too sterile and clean. It didn't feel right.

"So, I signed you out. The only thing you still have to do is choose if you want to go home or stay with Jack," Cameron stood at the end of the bed.

I looked over at Jack who had hopeful eyes and grinned at me goofily, "I think I'll stay with Jack."

Cameron nodded, "ok, I think I'll go home then and clean up all the broken stuff in the kitchen..."

"I broke stuff?"

"Umm, yeah. You kinda hit a shelf on your way down."

It totally explained the random scratches and bruises I had which definitely weren't from me hitting the ground. Cam told me that I had hit a shelf with some glasses on it so there was a lot of glass on the floor, which he hadn't been able to clean up yet as he hadn't gone home since I was admitted to the hospital. Apparently both Jack and Cam had stayed here the entire time. When Cam was sent to the waiting room while they did tests on me, he had panicked and called Jack, which I guess was eventually a good thing. I didn't know exactly what Jack and I were, but at least we were reunited and friends again.

I watched Cameron leave and turned to Jack, "Can you help me up?"

Jack nodded and stretched out his arms for me to take. After he pulled me up he quickly planted a kiss on my lips. If it weren't for the fact that I was in a hospital gown, meaning my butt was exposed, I would have totally deepened his kiss, but I let him only peck me. I told Jack to turn around before turning to the pile of clothes Cam had brought along before he chased down the ambulance. Since he had quickly taken clothes in a matter of seconds, he had forgotten to bring some things and brought a weird choice of clothes. Sweatpants were fine, panties were fine too, but a tight shirt without a bra was not. Of course Cam wouldn't bring a bra, he wouldn't dare touch those, well only if they were mine.

"Aww fuck," I mumbled.

"What? Is everything ok? Can I turn around?" Jack rushed out.

I wrapped my arms around myself so Jack wouldn't be able to see anything, "sure, you can turn around, but don't laugh. Cam forgot to bring me a bra and it isn't really working." Another problem about having big breasts. First of all you can't find dresses, second of all you can't wear a tight (or any) shirts without a bra. Literally everything could be seen.

Jack looked at me, my arms obviously not really hiding anything, and blushed. "Umm... here take my hoodie," He took off the black clothing article and handed it to me. I quickly put it on and zipped it up. Although I was only like 5 inches shorter than him, the sleeves still reached just over my finger tips.

"Sorry about that," I mumbled at I put my shoes on and tied the laces.

"It's ok, you've seen me naked before, this isn't anything near as bad as that," Jack smiled.

Hospital Beds and Memories (All Time Low Fanfiction | Jack Barakat)Where stories live. Discover now