My Weird and Amazing Family

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Jack and I had hung out a couple of times after the awkward bed situation. To be honest, I didn't even think Jack really thought about it a lot, but I did, I definitely did. Why? I don't know. It was probably that the situation was a situation which was a lot more embarrassing and cringeworthy for the person rather than the other people involved. Do you know what I mean? Like somebody would remind you of something embarrassing they did around you, but you couldn't even remember, or you just didn't care. Something like that? No? Still don't get it? Oh well, I do, I guess that's all that matters.

This time Jack decided it would be a good idea to go have some lunch at a diner downtown. Of course I didn't say no. It was food for god's sake! I mean, who doesn't like food? Well, there a definitely people that don't really like food, or don't like it at all, but that's not my point. It was always fun with Jack, especially when there was food involved. This actually made me think about when he would be going on tour again. He had told me that he tours most of the year and sometimes gets breaks, but he'd been here pretty long. He was bound to go on tour soon, right?

I turned the corner to the diner and saw Jack waiting outside for me. He wasn't paying attention and was only looking at his phone, so I ran up and jumped on him. He let out the highest-pitched scream I had ever heard and he flinched away from me. I giggled at his reaction and teased him about it. He pouted at me and grumbled about getting me back, before pinching both of my sides. I let out a squeal (not as high-pitched as Jack's, though) and hit him a couple times on his chest.

"No stop! You're going to make me bruise!" Jack whined.

"Should have thought about that before," I chuckled, "Plus, I wasn't hitting you hard."

"Hitting on me hard?" Jack nudged.

"Jack, stop wanting to hear things I didn't even say!"

Jack frowned in a joking way. I noticed somebody coming towards us and I nudged him.

"If anybody is hitting on you, it's her," I pointed at the, what looked like, 16 year old girl that was wearing a shirt with ALL TIME LOW printed on it in clear white letters.

Jack looked over and grinned at her. The girl took this as a sign for her to be allowed to come over. She looked really excited, and when I say really excited I mean eyes wide and slightly jumpy. I watched her talk to Jack about random things about the band and him. She then asked for a photo.

"Would you like me to take it?" I asked.

She nodded and handed me her phone. I took a couple of pictures of them standing normally and smiling.

"Come on guys," I exclaimed, "At least make a funny face!"


After taking a couple of pictures for the girl and having to explain that we were, in fact, not dating, we finally entered the diner. It looked like your classical old school diner: checkered black and white tiles, blue circular bar stools that were evenly spaced along along a bar that had a rim of the same tiles on the floor, and, of course, the red booths with white tables placed so everybody seated at the table could look outside. The place was oddly familiar, but I couldn't quite wrap my finger around what it made it that way.

Hospital Beds and Memories (All Time Low Fanfiction | Jack Barakat)Where stories live. Discover now