A Lecture and an Embarrassing Story

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Jack and I were cuddling on my mattress. I was still a bit out of it but was feeling ok overall. In case you were wondering, I had woken up when Jack was carrying me out of the car and bringing me upstairs. He had decided to stay with me for the rest of the day and spend the night. At first, we were going to bring him home, but Jack changed his plans after I had had my seizure. I just enjoyed being able to be in Jack's arms and embrace again. Everything always seemed ok with him around.

"Hey, Isle, can I ask you something?" Jack broke the silence and started playing with my fingers.

"Yeah, sure," I moved my fingers along his and felt the calluses.

"Umm... so, uh, do you remember anything specific you, uh, said in the car after your seizure?"

"Not really, I remember waking up and seeing you, and falling asleep again.... Oh god. I didn't say anything stupid did I?"

"No, don't worry."


"It, um, doesn't matter."

"Jack," I warned and sat up before glaring down at him.

"No, really, it's nothing," he shrugged off. I kept looking at him, though. Something was bugging him, I could see it very clearly, but I couldn't tell what. I was going to bug him to tell me more, but I thought better of it and hoped he would tell me sooner or later.

"If you say so," I raised my shoulders in a questioning manner before I moved over so I was straddling him.

"Oh, I like this," Jack smirked.

"Hmm, really? I was just going to get my phone," I stretched out to I could grab the piece of technology that was on the floor a couple of feet away, "but now I know more about your sexual fantasies, I guess that's cool too."

I started to get off him after I had shoved my phone in my pocket, but Jack prevented me from doing so. He pulled me down by my waist and let one of his hands wander into my hair while our faces were an inch apart. I closed the distance between us and my heart started beating fast. Even after having kissed Jack a lot, I still always got butterflies and my heart always started beating loudly in my chest. I even started feeling a buzzing... Wait. No. That was my phone going crazy. I sat back upright, took out the object that was still vibrating and gave is a confused glance.

"Someone's popular," Jack chuckled.

I looked through the rapid notifications that I was getting and glared at Jack, "what did you do."

"Do what?" His laughing subsided when he saw how serious I was being.

I turned my phone and pushed it in his face, making sure he could see all the twitter notifications I was getting. The fans had found me. After all the things Jack and I had done to make sure they wouldn't be able to recognize me, it still happened. They didn't know my name or what I looked like, how did they know I was the girl in the photos and videos with Jack? Somebody was have said something.

Hospital Beds and Memories (All Time Low Fanfiction | Jack Barakat)Where stories live. Discover now