Considering and Decision Making

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After they had finished the show, Jack had come to wake me up. I didn't remember anything from the entire evening, except the memory of Zack still remained. The last thing I remembered doing was entering the airport. I didn't know anything about the delay I had or meeting Jack's friends. To say I was embarrassed to have a seizure in front of them, was an understatement. I had to explain everything that was wrong with me afterward, but I left the leukemia part out. They didn't need to know that.

It was now two days after that and the bruises I had formed from falling on the floor were still clearly blotching my side, but nobody knew. I had just taken my medication and decided it was time to tell Jack. He deserved to know. I couldn't hide this. It was serious. What if anything happened to me? Jack needed to know.

I walked out to where Jack was sitting with Alex in the front lounge. "Jack, can I talk to you?"

"Yeah, sure," he paused the video game he was playing and took me to the bunks, closing the automatic door behind him.

I leaned against the wall between two columns of bunks and Jack leaned against the one opposite of me. We were literally inches apart and there was a lot of tension, and not necessarily sexual tension. I was pretty terrified; I didn't know how I was going to tell him. This could ruin our whole relationship.

Jack double checked if there was anybody else in here, when he found no one, he turned back to me. "So, what's up?"

"Umm..." my heart was beating so fast and my hands were starting to shake. My hands never shake!

"Wait, are you breaking up with me?" Jack looked worried and upset.

"No." I shook my head. I couldn't do this. This would ruin him. I couldn't tell him.


I stared at him and was about to start panicking. What was I going to tell him? This was going to break his heart. With no excuse coming up, I held onto his face and crashed my lips against his. Jack quickly melted into it and his arms wrapped around my waist. He slowly pulled me so I was leaning against him. I deepened the kiss, making sure my breathing stayed even so I could continue without stopping. Jack let out a short moan and pulled me even closer--

"Guys!" Rian had entered the bunks. "No sex on the bus!"

"We're not having sex!" Jack argued and motioned towards his hands with his head. "Hands are on waist, not butt."

"Busted!" Alex called out from the front and looked past Rian.

"I don't even want to have sex with this guy," I laughed, "I mean, look at those eyebrows!"

"Excuse me!" Jack gasped. "My eyebrows are amazing!"

"I'm sorry, Jacky," I slapped his cheek softly a couple of times and got out of his hold, "they really aren't."

"Nooo! This whole relationship has been a lie!"

"I'm sorry, I just can't date someone with eyebrows like that." I sat down on the couch and put my legs up.

"We actually never went on a date..." Jack remarked and sat down next to me, moving my legs so they were across his lap.

"The last date I ever went on was terrible."

"What happened?" Zack asked after making himself a sandwich.

I pretended to think and looked at Jack who was begging me to not tell them by shaking his head. "Well, first of all, the guy was a fucking douchebag. He just wouldn't stop talking about the money he had. So I just walked out, he was annoying the fuck out of me. And Jack had told me before hand that I should come to his house afterward. So I do that and I-"

Jack slapped his hand over my mouth. "No. That part of the story doesn't matter."

Alex laughed. "Was he dancing around naked or something?"

I peeled Jack's hand away, leaving me free to talk. "No, that happened before, though. But anyway I get there and I see him fucking my friend. So I leave, then I go home and I get sick because of that whole brain thing. Let's just say it wasn't the best day ever."

"Jack!" Alex gasped over dramatically. "You must have broken her heart doing that."

"Actually" I chuckled and looked at Jack who looked so embarrassed already, "Jack was the one freaking out that I walked in. You see, this guy," I pointed at Jack, "had developed feelings for me, while I hadn't even considered liking him in that way."

"She was just too irresistible," Jack shook his head at me, "the way she called me a cocksucker just blew me away."

"Hey, I can't deny it," I joked, "I always won our name calling fights."


"You won one time! Stop making yourself seem like the best thing there is! But you're still better at making dick jokes."

"I'm the dick joke master!"

Alex laughed and agreed before turning slightly serious, "I just want to remind everyone that Lisa's coming tomorrow. She's coming to the event thingy, is Ireland coming as well?"

"Yes," Jack said.

"Wait, what event thingy?" I asked. What the fuck was this about?

"It's kinda like a red carpet thingy." Alex explained. "It's basically just an event we have to dress up for. We have been nominated for one award."

"What the fuck! I never heard anything about you guys being nominated for something. No way I'm coming!"

"Awe, come on!" Jack pouted. "Pwease!"

"No! I don't even have anything to wear anyway, so there's no point. I am also broke so I can't buy anything to wear," I argued. Why did I never hear anything about this?

"I'll buy a beautiful dress for you. And shoes, and anything else you need. Please!" Jack moaned dragging out the E.

I shook my head. "The last time I wore a dress you kissed me and stopped talking to me for a month!"

"You just ignored me for three weeks."

"Because you lied to me and tried making up excuses when you told me you were going to tell the truth!"

"Umm," Alex awkwardly interrupted, "if this is going to turn into a fight, I would like to be notified so I can leave before I'm put in the middle of it."

"Fine," I groaned and flicked Jack on the head, "but nothing too expensive."

"You're weird," Alex looked at me suspiciously, "most girls would take this to their advantage and buy the most expensive shit ever."

"I just don't like people buying me stuff," I shrugged, "which reminds me, my dad wanted to sell his old car to me for 1000 dollars. But I'm broke as fuck, like I said before, and I can't drive a car anyway because I'm not allowed to. You can have it... if you want."

"Why would I need another car?" Jack was drumming on my leg with his fingers.

"Because it's a nice car, I dunno," I got out my phone and looked through my photos, "I have a picture of it."

Jack took the phone and nearly dropped it when he saw the screen, "what the fuck! Are you sure he didn't say 300,000 dollars?"

"Yeah... He wanted to give it to me as a gift, but I mean, look at that car, I can't do that. He realized that having ten cars wasn't really useful, so yeah..."

"Ten cars?" Alex asked, "What? Let me see the picture."

Jack handed him the phone and Alex shrieked and actually dropped my phone. "What! How! You traitor!"

"My dad owning his own business that has branches all over the world and me growing up in a house that was way too big for my family, does not define me. I would rather live in an apartment I can barely afford with my brother and do what I love, than ask my dad for money and live in a nice house."

"That's why I love her." Jack nuzzled his head against my shoulder, making me laugh and push him off.

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