Late Valentine's?

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Who knew that Jack and I would go from being best friends to not talking to being in a relationship? I mean, I was actually lying on top of him with my face buried in his neck, while he had his arms wrapped around me loosely and occasionally kissed my cheek. If you would have asked me a couple of months ago if I would have been cuddling with a guy in a romantic way or that I was actually in a relationship, I would have laughed right in your face. I didn't know I was capable of having these feelings; I even considered me being asexual, but that was ruled out now. Jack was definitely attractive, I had just never look at him like that before.

"Jack?" I mumbled and nuzzled further into his warm skin and smell.

"Hmm?" He slowly moved his hands up and down, tracing my spine in the process.

"I need to tell you something."

"I need to tell you something as well."

"You go first," I sat up so I was straddling him and Jack soon followed me. He kept a hold of my waist and grinned at me, making me wonder what was going on in his mind.

"I don't know how you'll react..." He suddenly seemed really interested in playing with the ends of my hair.

"Neither do I," I joked, urging him to continue.

"Promise me you won't overreact and get upset?"

"I can't promise that if I don't know what it is. If you tell me you just murdered my brother I would go crazy and definitely be upset, but if it's just you telling me you ate the last cookie, I'll be fine."

Jack pressed his lips against mine for a couple of seconds before looking me in the eye, "Well, I- I'm... I'm going on tour again next week...."

"Oh, really? That's great! When are you leaving?"

"Umm... Tuesday...?"

I grinned at him, "Why did you think I would get upset? You're doing what you love and you're living your dream. Why would I get in the way of that?"

"Well, we just got together, I didn't want you to think I was leaving you already."

"I'm used to it, though; I've grown up with it. My dad was rarely home, still is, but I still love him. I know he wouldn't leave us, so why would you? The only problem you have now is that you can no longer fuck random girls while on tour."

"Oh. I thought we had an open relationship going on here," Jack pulled a jesting confused face and leaned back a bit while pointing between us.

"Yeah, 'cause you'll be fucking a new girl every day and I'll just be here like 'who want's to date a potato?'"

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