Maybe We Shouldn't Get this Drunk

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Smut warning

Surprisingly, Cam didn't want me to do many retakes of the verse. He just wanted me to do it once or twice more and we were set. I don't know what suddenly made him relax and not be so harsh on me, but I wouldn't mind betting on it having something to do with his idols really loving the cover. Even though he had met Alex before and had been around Jack quite often, their opinion still mattered. There were still in a band that really influenced Cam, so something in him would always cause him to look up at those guys no matter how well he knew them, even their flaws. For example, the fact that he had a permanent image of Jack's dick burned into his mind wouldn't ever change the fact that he loved their music and was willing to change anything they suggested.

What was going on now? Well, we had all moved to the spacious living room and there were bottles of alcohol placed on the coffee table along with red solo cups and shot glasses. Of course there was also beer, but we had basically already finished drinking that. It was only there to get us started. If Cam partied, he partied hard. Ok, maybe this wasn't exactly a party, but he had all intentions to get us black out drunk. Tay wasn't joking the day before when she had told Alex that he had to expect to pass out. Charlie had even taken all the car keys and hidden them in a box, knowing that not even he could get to them when drunk. All precautions were being taken. We couldn't risk somebody deciding they were sober enough to drive even though we already had finished three beers each and were now starting with the good stuff.

"I can't drink much more," John shook his head and put his hands up when Cam was busy filling shot glasses for Never Have I Ever (we were all drunk enough to think it was a good idea to play drinking games, even though that was something done more frequently during high school parties), "I'm not planning on getting shitfaced like you guys."

"Oh, come on," Cam whined as he handed out three shot glasses and started filling them up, "you never let loose! You've gotta live a little!"

"I'm good. Once you have a wife and kids, you can't exactly get wasted anymore."

"But they're not here!" Cam continued to try to persuade him, but he only sounded like an obnoxious teenager not getting his way. While Cam could drink quite a lot before seriously getting drunk, he did somehow start acting weirdly pretty quickly.

"Plus, somebody's gotta make sure you don't fall asleep while in the middle of going to the bathroom again." John winked. It was true. Having somebody to supervise in case things really did start going south was really a good idea. I didn't exactly trust a drunk Jack on helping me if I needed something, as much as he would try.

"That happened one time!"

"Let's make sure it doesn't happen another time, ok?" John smiled and got up to get himself something more suitable that didn't contain alcohol. He was still going to play with us, Just without all the side effects.

Cameron rolled his eyes and continued to hand out shots until everybody had a glass. Although everybody only had one glass in front of them, it was going to take more to get out. There just weren't enough shot glasses for everybody to have multiple. So instead, John, since he was the 'sober' one, was going to keep filling up the glasses. There weren't any rules set on how to win, so the game was probably just going to keep going until we all passed out. I'd just have to see later how that went.

"Ok, before we get started, I just want to apologize in advance. When I get very drunk, my inner gay comes out and I will make advances," Carter pointed at the All Time Low guys and warned his fellow bandmates again, completely ignoring Tay and I.

"You don't have an inner gay," Charlie snorted and shuffled so that he could sit on the floor without making his leg fall asleep, "your gay is all out for everybody to see 24/7."

"Ok, very true," Carter nodded and clapped his hands together, "but when I'm drunk, I don't know boundaries. Like, I know all you guys are straight -- well, except for Jack, he's giving me mixed signals, but he has a girlfriend -- so I'm not going to be stupid. But drunk me thinks everybody is gay."

"Alex is my gay lover," Jack whispered beside me, making me roll my eyes. I totally got where Carter was coming from. However, I was quite surprised that he was gay, but then again, it also made quite a lot of sense... I didn't really know him, but it just did, ok?

"So just push me away if it happens. I'm a happy drunk, so don't worry about me getting aggressive," Carter continued with his usual instructions before some heavy drinking commenced. He then switched to beginning the game. "Tay, how about you start us off."

"Ok... umm..." She thought for a while, before she started smirking, "ok, since I know everybody here, I know I will not get away without it being a dirty statement. I'll start off easy though. Never have I ever taken someone's virginity."

All the guys took their shot, while Tay and I made eye contact and let out a little giggle. I could already tell that the guys were going to get drunk faster than us two, especially Jack. It would surprise me if he didn't have to take a shot for something. I, however, was probably rarely going to drink anything. One, I barely had any sexual experience, and two, I was still missing a chunk of my memory. I might have done something, but not remember it. Don't ask me why I even agreed to playing this game.

I let my toes trail over the floor while I waited for the guys to recall all their memories from high school. Well, it was all the guys except for Jack. He probably didn't want to let me know that he had also taken somebody else's virginity, but by staying quiet he only made it obvious to me. I didn't even care, though. Why would I care about what he did in high school? Sure, if he murdered someone, it would be a problem. But his sex life in high school was not really my business unless he wanted me to know.

"This floor is very nice," my half drunken mind blurted out.

Charlie nodded, agreeing with me while getting his shot glass refilled. "This place used to be a dance studio."

My eyes immediately snapped towards Cam. Things were adding up too much. There was no way. It couldn't be possible. But Cam immediately looking away and going for his turn told me otherwise. "Never have I ever been walked in on and interrupted by someone during sex."

Cam smiled while he didn't drink anything, however John hesitantly took one of his non-alcoholic shots. I immediately thought back to the one time Emily told me and Jack that she saw her mom and dad make out in their bed. Oh my god, she was going to be so scarred when she grew up. Maybe she didn't realize now, but she's put one and one together when she was older. But there was also a possibility it wasn't her...

"Would you count a cat as someone?" I asked Cam, knowing that if I didn't change the statement a tiny bit, I'd never get to drink anything. I didn't want to be the only one unwillingly sober.

He looked at me smugly. "Depends on what happened."

"Well, she walked into the room and got on the bed. We tried to push her off, but she wouldn't have it..." I told him, but my story didn't sound very convincing. It did happen, however.

Jack decided to continue recalling the moment, telling everybody about the one part I was hoping to leave out, "that's not even the best part! She then started meowing, begging for our attention, until deciding the best way to get it was by lying down in between us on Ireland's chest. Biggest cockblock ever."

"I would have been concerned if you guys would have kept going," Alex laughed, hitting Jack on the knee. He let out a small giggle when he finished, "imagine that: threesome with a pussy."

"That's just gross!" Rian scrunched up his nose and shook his head in disgust, judging two of his best friends.

I got to take that shot, however, since everybody thought it was a good enough story. Luckily, it was a one-time thing that had happened, and the only thing Taco would occasionally do was walk in before going back out. Jack and I had learned to completely ignore it. When being really into it, you didn't exactly notice that she had even been there.

The next statement was done by Alex. Never have I ever masturbated at someone else's house. I watched Jack as he carefully took a shot, as if he wasn't really sure what he had done counted. However, I had a completely different idea. As soon as his shot glass was back on the coffee table, I picked up mine and forced it down his throat as well.

"You need way more than one for that!" I shouted while he had to swallow the burning liquid. I didn't care that it nearly spilled, I still couldn't get that one image out of my head.

Jack faked a cry, wiping his mouth of any excess alcohol. "I already told you that I was sorry about that!"

"I see another story coming in my future," Zack murmured from his quiet corner on the couch, nodding his head.

"I will not be telling this story, actually," I corrected him, honestly not wanting to go into any details about this.

But, of course, Jack had to go on and open his mouth. He really didn't have any shame. I was pretty sure he would happily go into detail and tell everybody here about one time we had sex. At least he hadn't gone that far yet, but he was getting there. "Before we got together, so when we were just friends, I was masturbating in her bathroom and she walked in on me and I screamed out her name when I was orgasming."

I frowned as he started laughing, and pouted. "I still get nightmares from it."

"Now you probably only enjoy it when he screams out your name, don't you?" Alex smirked, and if he were next to me, he would have been poking my side in a suggestive manner.

"No, because usually it means he either broke something, like the closet door, or he 'lost' his phone," I rolled my eyes and Jack pulled me onto his lap as if he were trying to apologize for it all. His arms were tightly wrapped around my waist and he dug his chin into my shoulder. He mumbled something along the lines of 'I'm sowwy' and gave me puppy dog eyes. I just rubbed the top of his head a little, knowing that going any further wouldn't do anybody any good.

The game kept going on for long enough that even I managed to get pretty drunk. Everybody was slurring their words, Rian had already passed out and John made sure that he was put in a comfortable position, Carter was trying to get comfortable with Zack, but Zack always politely refused, Alex was having this long conversation with Charlie about space, and Cam was being very touchy-feely with Tay, which was also exactly what Jack was doing to me. I really fell in love with a guy that was so much like my brother.

I felt Jack's hand start at the small of my back, as if he was just innocently touching me in an affectionate way while everybody else was doing their own thing. However, I could slowly feel his fingers trail up further and further. It wasn't even like he was rubbing my back in a comforting or sexual way. It really was the weirdest touch ever, and I tried not to squirm away and make a scene. Maybe I was also very curious to see where he was going with this...

He stopped moving just before he got to my shoulder blades, leaving me confused. However, then I felt some tugging, and I wanted to reach out to stop him, but he already managed to make my bra snap open.

I turned around and gasped loudly, hitting his chest to scold him, "Jack!"

Everybody turned to look at us, but when they saw nothing interesting was happening, they went back to their own activities. I guess they couldn't really see that my bra was unclasped through my shirt, well unless I moved around, because then it wasn't exactly giving any support anymore.

If you thought that was going to be all, just like I thought, then you were wrong. Jack let his hands travel up my front before letting them rest gently on my breasts over my shirt. I tried to push him away, but instead he squeezed and started sucking on a soft spot on my neck. He really wasn't going to give up on this, nor was he probably going to stop anytime soon.

"Jack!" I whisper-shouted at him and tried to get his hands off again, I didn't want anybody seeing us. "Fasten my bra! You can't do that!"

"I don't even know how to," he mumbled and carefully kissed the spot he had been working on before going back to town on it.

I shuffled uncomfortably when I felt Jack getting hard underneath me. If anybody saw us, shit was going to go down. I wasn't exactly against what he was doing, but I just wasn't drunk enough to do this in front of people. Yes, Jack had managed to turn me on, yes, I wanted this as well, but no, I wasn't going to practically have sex in front of eight people, my brother included.

Cam broke away briefly from making out with Tay to look at me and Jack. "If you guys are going to have sex, do it in the bathroom."

I wasn't sure if he meant it in a joking manner, but Jack took it completely seriously. Before I could tell him that we were not going to be doing that, I was thrown over his shoulder and being carried to one of the bathrooms. I was trying to get him to let me go, but he completely refused to acknowledge me. His grip stayed firmly on my thighs as he turned on the light in the small room and locked the door behind us. I didn't even get put back on the floor, instead I was made to sit on the counter, a couple of toiletries being knocked over. It was only then that the last three shots I had taken were starting to hit me.

Jack's lips slammed against mine in the worst kiss we had ever shared. Our teeth were clashing together in a painful way, his tongue was too far down my throat, and I was pulling too much on his shirt. But did we care? No, we were too drunk to even notice. In our minds, it was just like what we usually did, building up to showing how much we much we loved each other in the most intimate way possible. But, boy, was it so far from it.

"Are we really doing this is a bathroom?" I giggled uncontrollably when we broke apart to get rid of his shirt.

He nodded, making a noise to agree with me, before reaching out for the hem of my T-shirt and also tugging on it clumsily. It got stuck on my nose and ear before he managed to take it off, only making me laugh more. When it was finally off, Jack smirked to himself and slipped my bra off very easily. "I already did the hard part!"

"The hard part," I snorted and started cracking up again. I reached out for his belt and gave it a good tug so I could take it off for him, he was going to have to do the rest with the way I couldn't compose myself. To keep myself steady, I had to rest my chin on his chest and look up. "Get it, cause you're hard right now. Very hard..."

He grinned down at me, before pushing me up a bit and connecting our lips once again in a terrible kiss. In the meantime, Jack worked on getting his jeans off while my hands were all over him. He quickly kicked them off, nearly managing to slip and fall in the process. I put my hands down his boxers, but wasn't sure what exactly to do, as he started taking off my jeans as well. I really didn't know how he managed to do it, because I definitely wouldn't have accomplished it if I had been the one to do the task.

I did, however, accomplish to push his boxers down to his ass, but not far enough for me to get what I wanted. My panties, on the other hand, were taken off by Jack like they had never even been there, much like my bra. I was too focused to try and get his boxers down, not even thinking about using my feet for that extra distance, to realize that he had taken off all my clothes effortlessly. I guess building up experience in the field of drunk sex really did help.

Jack completely ignored my desperate attempts to get him naked and instead trailed his hands up my thighs. He kept one in place to allow him some better access and started to tease me with the fingers of the other.

"Jack," I groaned in annoyance and try to shuffle out of his reach, only causing more things on the counter to fall over, "I don't want this! I just want your dick inside of me!"

He looked up at me, his hands not moving an inch, not even pleasuring me. "No foreplay?"

"We had enough of that already!" I whined and lamely hit his chest with every word. "Just put your dick inside of me!"

"Ok." He shrugged and easily stripped off his boxers.

I immediately bit my lip when I finally got to see what I wanted. He shuffled closer and aligned himself clumsily since he couldn't see as straight as he necessarily wanted. While he was busy doing that, I leaned back and wrapped my legs around his waist to give him much better access. When he finally got the tip exactly where he wanted, he thrust into me without giving me any warning, causing me to emit the loudest moan I had ever let out. Now, this was what I was talking about!

However, as he went to thrust in me a second time, I stopped him with a dazed expression on my face. "Wait, I need to pee."

"Pee? Now?" He furrowed his eyebrows and took his hands off my hips.

I snickered and nodded with a blush, pushing him away from me. Once he was fully out, I jumped down from the counter and rushed over to the toilet. I let myself relieve my bladder when I looked up to see Jack staring at me.

Yet again, a giggle fest started. "Why are you looking at me?"

He continued to gaze at once specific part of my body. "Boobs."

After I flushed the toilet, Jack was quick to put his lips on mine again. I was pushed up against the wall next to the towel rack as he continued his assault. His hands went down to my ass in the most unsubtle way, literally being placed on it straight away and giving it a strong cheeky squeeze. I squealed and jumped up to wrap my legs around Jack's torso once again. He took this as his cue to continue what we had barely started. The cold wall tiles were being imprinted on my back as he started a very sloppy rhythm that sometimes made me scream out, but other times make me feel nothing at all.

Although he was pressing me up against the wall very hard, as time went by I could feel myself slipping down slowly with every thrust until Jack practically had to bend down to stay at the same height as me.

I shrieked as I could feel my body getting ready to drop the last couple of feet in one go. "Jack, I'm slipping!"

"Me too," he stuttered while breathing heavily. His head burying into my neck.

"No, I'm literally slipping!"

But it was already too late. I fell right onto my butt, the sound on bare skin hitting the floor echoing throughout the bathroom. The pain shot right up my back, but I couldn't help but burst out laughing. I started to lie down on the bath rug and tugged on Jack's hand to get him on top of me. He nearly fell on my body with all his weight because of how dizzy he was and how I was causing disruption to his balance. Fortunately for me, he was able to grab onto the towel rack before slowly letting himself descend.

Everything resumed like nothing had happened. The kissing, however, was much better because I wasn't moving as much and only let Jack move up and down while I was a moaning mess underneath him. He was holding himself up with his elbows on either side of my head, but I could tell he wanted nothing more than to lie down. Lucky for him, he didn't have to worry about that for much longer. While I was way too drunk to even get close to reaching an orgasm, Jack groaned and arched his back when he released inside of me. He collapsed on top of me soon after and didn't even bother to ask me if I wanted him to get me off. I was too out of breath anyway to have been able to give an answer. When he rolled off me, he managed to make all the towels drop down on our naked sweaty bodies, creating a shitty soap-smelling blanket.

And that's how we both managed to pass out on a bathroom floor.

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