Setting Things Straight

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When we finally got home late that evening, Jack and I were drained. The only way to describe just how exhausted we were was through the simple words 'family event'. You see, although Jack hadn't realized the rumors much before I joined them, he certainly did later on. All Alex and Lisa did whenever somebody came up to ask us about 'the engagement' was to listen along and laugh after Jack and I had to explain that we were not going to get married. I'd also add that it probably wasn't going to happen soon, while Jack always stayed a bit quieter when that came up. Of course I didn't think it was suspicious at all. I mean, after all our trouble with the whole engagement thing, he still felt a little uncomfortable. And I didn't blame him. Although we did agree at the end and he went along with my decision, he was still allowed to be slightly indecisive.

Anyway, back to us coming back home. The first thing Jack did as soon as we entered our house was to kick his dress shoes off and take his pants off, making him look pretty funny in just his boxers, shirt, suit jacket, and socks. I rolled my eyes and chuckled at him while Taco came running from where ever she had been sleeping and sniffed his shoes. She immediately moved back in disgust, making Lisa giggle and causing Jack to cry out in protest, claiming that his shoes didn't smell that bad.

"I just want to be naked!" Jack ended his rant and 'ripped' off his jacket, making it look like he had just quickly thrown on a shirt after somebody had rang the doorbell while he was in a very heated moment.

"So, go be naked," I suggested with a laugh while reaching down and picking up Taco, holding her now purring body close to my chest. "Just give me a warning before I walk into the bedroom. I don't want to see something I rather wouldn't."

"It's not that bad." He pouted and he went upstairs without saying anything that sounded like a goodnight to Alex or Lisa, but I guessed they were used to that behavior. They had known Jack for much much longer than I did. I also often didn't say goodnight to Cam back when we still lived together, but that was also because I never knew whether or not he was awake in his room.

Still holding Taco, I went to the kitchen and put her down on a small little table we (or should I say Jack) had put down so she could look outside easily without getting up on the counter. Alex and Lisa followed me as I got out a small bowl and poured some milk specially made for cats in it.

"Do you guys still want something before you go to bed?" I asked while I put the bowl next to Taco's normal food bowl, causing her to gallop towards it and start drinking.

"I'm fine, but I just remembered I still need to get our stuff from the car," Alex said while pointing at the front door and turned to Lisa, "but if you still want something."

"No, I'm good too." She smiled and Alex quickly took out his car keys from his pocket and rushed out to their car.

"I'll wait for Alex to get back so I can lock the door, but you can go upstairs to the guest room already if you want," I offered and turned the dishwasher on, "I'm guessing you know where it is."

She nodded and thanked me before going up the stairs as well. I just watched Taco while I waited for Alex. It didn't take too long for him to come back. He had a duffle bag for their clothes and two large reusable plastic bags that were filled with gifts. As he held them up a bit more and asked where he was supposed to put them, I pointed at the gifts that were just to the right of the Christmas Tree. I wasn't going to dare put them directly under. After he took them all out of the bags and placed them along with the gifts Jack and I had gotten (Alex had a significant amount more gifts that we did), we also went to bed. He went upstairs first while I turned off the lights and locked the door. Just before I went to go to bed as well, I warned Taco that she shouldn't knock over the Christmas Tree again, even though I knew she didn't understand a word I said.

When I entered the bedroom, I saw that Jack wasn't as naked as he first claimed to want to be. I had completely prepared myself to see something awfully weird going on, but I was actually pleasantly surprised. "Hey, you're wearing boxers! What happened to you wanting to strip off all your clothes?"

He answered as I proceeded to take off my shoes and clothes, replacing them with one of Jack's t-shirts, before walking into the bathroom to clean my face. "So you wouldn't have to see my hideous lower body."

"Oh, come on, it's not that hideous." I giggled as got out the makeup wipes and remover, "it's only slightly hideous."

"You really know how to boost a man's ego." He appeared behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

I started to just remove everything from my face, not bothering to do it in any specific order. "I know the way to your heart."

"I'm not that hideous, am I?"

"I mean, who do you want me to compare you to?" I smirked, reminding him that he was the only one I had been that intimate with.

He bit his lip in return and kissed my cheek, only to cringe away and stick his tongue out. "You taste like soap."

"No shit, sherlock," I rolled my eyes as I grabbed a new wipe after the last one was completely smudged with makeup, "how else do you expect all of this to come off?"

He just shrugged in response, but didn't show any signs of backing away soon. In contrary, he went to kiss me again, but this time not on my cheek. His lips connected with my neck, but not in the same innocent way he had done before. There was more pressure and more sucking going on, and it was way longer.

"Jack," I groaned and tried pushing him away, but he wouldn't budge, "you're going to leave a mark."

"Isn't that the whole point?" He whispered back, his lips still touching my skin, causing an involuntary shiver to run down my spine.

"No," I whined as he decided to continue again.

However, he really didn't bother to break away. Instead, my strategy became trying to keep getting ready for bed, and maybe shake him off in the process. You know, the angle might cause him to not be able to reach as well, making him stop. But, after I was done with the makeup and had gone onto brushing my teeth, he still hadn't moved. I even tried moving excessively by dropping the toothpaste and reaching down to pick it up. While he did break away for a second or so, he was back at it as soon as I stood up. The final thing was spitting out the toothpaste, and then I could escape his grasp.

But something interrupted before that. There was a knock on our bedroom. Jack didn't answer, so I quickly rinsed out my mouth before I yelled that I was coming. I pushed Jack off me completely and walked to the door and opened it.

Lisa was on the other side. "Hey, I was wondering if you guys had two towels we could borrow."

"You don't have a towel?" I questioned, resisting the urge to look back at Jack and glare at him.

"No..." she shook her head.

"Ok, I'll be there in a second," I told her and she nodded. After she closed the door, I went back into our bathroom and ignored the creepy look Jack was giving me.

I rummaged through the cupboard we kept all of our towels in and grabbed two that were almost in the back. It wasn't that I didn't want to give them the same towels that Jack and I used, it just happened to be a bit unuseful. We didn't have a gigantic stash of towels, and I was sure when the next time was when we were going to wash them. Jack and I grabbed a new towel more frequently than we washed them, so there might have been a problem if we suddenly missed two.

I trudged down the dark hallway and to the guest room and lightly knocked on their door, not just wanting to barge in like Jack and Alex would do. You never knew what was happening behind closed doors, especially if the room behind it was a bedroom. But when they called me in, I knew I was safe.

I put the towels at the end of their bed while Lisa was busy brushing her hair and Alex was neatly laying out the clothes he wore so they wouldn't get wrinkled (which reminded me of Jack's pants that were still thrown somewhere on the downstairs floor). "I'm sorry, Jack was supposed to put these out for you, but he obviously forgot."

"That's ok." Alex turned to me, but when he saw me, he nearly choked on his own words, causing him to cough loudly.

Lisa frowned and looked at me as well, only for her eyes to get really wide. She hinted towards her neck, and I could already guess what they were reacting to. I turned towards the mirror on the wall and saw what I expected. There were three hickeys on my neck, melting together into the largest one Jack had ever given me, whether it be in a public or private place.

Everything turned quiet as my gaze left the mirror again. Of course I still tried to explain it. "It isn't what you think. Well, it is, but not for the reason you might think. Jack thought it would be funny to do this while I was brushing my teeth... I tried pushing him away..."

They just nodded and I wasn't sure whether they believed me or not. You would expect that I wouldn't have let it gotten so big if it wasn't for pleasure, but then again Jack was somebody who'd do something like this just as a joke.

"Jack might end up with some bruises as well, but not caused by the same thing," I told them, thinking about the fact that I was still supposed to be mad at him about the Christmas Tree and now also the towels, plus the whole hickey thing.

We said our final goodnights soon after that and I left to go back to join Jack. He had already turned off the lights in the bathroom and in our room, the only thing still on being his bedside lamp, and was cuddled underneath the blankets. I softly closed the door behind me and tiptoed to my side of the bed before getting in. Almost immediately after I had pulled the blankets over my body, Jack had flipped me over so that I was on my back and he started hovering over me. However, as he went in to kiss me, I pushed him away by pressing my hand up against his bare chest.

"Not now," I mumbled when I realized he wasn't just half naked in bed, but actually fully naked.

"What? Why?" He complained and kept his hands on either side of my body to stay above me.

"Well, there's quite a couple of simple reasons for that," I explained with an all-knowing nod, getting out my hand to list my arguments, and not looking directly at him. "Number one, we have guests over. Number two, you gave me a gigantic hickey that will take ages to fade. Wouldn't surprise me if it isn't gone until next year. Number three, you forgot to put out to towels for said guests who I mentioned in point one. Number four, you didn't help me pick up the Christmas Tree after we both saw Taco had knocked it down. Number five, I don't feel like it."

"That's the most reasons you've ever had..." Jack noticed, but soon seemed to find a way to get me to go along with his side of the small disagreement, "but we did say that we wouldn't ever go to bed mad at each other, so..." He slowly lowered his weight on top of me and let his kisses come in touch with the other side of my neck.

"I don't think so," I pushed him off once again, this time causing him to fall onto the mattress with his back. I wasn't going to give in, especially with Lisa and Alex just down the hall. "And put some clothes on."

"Ok, then I'll try to convince you. First of all, Alex and Lisa won't care, plus they probably wouldn't even notice -- you're too quiet for that and if we're careful we can avoid the bed squeaking. Secondly, you normally don't care about the hickeys. I'll admit that your neck might be a bit too out-there, but it was just for good fun, not any harm was intended. The third thing... towels! Yep, I forgot about that, and I'll admit it. But then again, I do that during tour as well and I often have to run out of the shower completely wet and naked... Then the Christmas tree... I don't really have a good excuse for that. I just wanted to be ready before you for once, and I saw the opportunity and took it--"

"Really?" I scoffed. "Are you really that pathetic?"

"Shh," he placed a finger to my lips to silence me, "but I'll allow you to use it against me if I ever try to get you to do something alone and you don't want to. And the last point was you not feeling like it. Well, I can easily change that."

His hands started roaming up my leg and slowly towards my panties, but I put my hands on top of his and took them off my body. I gave him one last stern look. "As much as I appreciate you trying to make it all good, it's still going to be a no. Now put on some boxers because I don't want to feel everything you've got going on down there."

"Fine," he groaned and reluctantly got out of bed. After getting a pair of boxers out of the closet and putting them on, he climbed back underneath the covers and wrapped his arms around my waist so that we were spooning.

I moved backward to get more comfortable, making Jack let out a high pitched squeak. He clarified before I could even ask. "If you aren't careful, we will get a boner situation."

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