Ever Thought About The Possible Consequences?

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I was so confused when I woke up. My pillow had been replaced with somebody's arm, my mattress had been turned into stone, and my blanket wasn't providing any warmth, leaving me cold. I didn't know where I was and why my back was hurting so much. Well, I knew I was at Cam's place, and I knew that Jack was acting as my pillow. Also, I already figured out I was on the bathroom floor and I remembered what we were doing here. But, seriously? Why did my back have to hurt so much and why did I have to be so cold? This was not the way I wanted to wake up after a terrible night full of drinking.

The least I could do was try to fall back asleep. I didn't have the willpower to get up and find a more comfortable place to sleep in, so without ever opening my eyes, I rolled over and groaned a little as I cuddled into Jack's warm bare chest. It was so much better than the stupid white tiles I had been lying limply on for the rest of the time I had been sleeping. I was regretting everything that happened last night. Honestly, the sex was horrible and I was only sore from everything. Well, everything except for the lame sloppy sex we had.

I peeked open one eye to see if Jack was still wearing the condom and if I had to remove it. But I was pleasantly surprised to see that that was already done. Now I didn't have to sneakily take it off him without trying to wake him up. It would be pretty awkward if he were to wake up while I was in the midst of that. So, I just hugged to his chest tighter and hope to fall asleep.

But then my heart rate started speeding up while I realized something. Jack had passed out before I did, meaning that he couldn't have thrown the condom away, and I didn't recall throwing it away. So, who did? My eyes snapped towards the clear trashcan and I saw there wasn't even a condom in there. Oh my god. This was not happening! We honestly couldn't be that stupid! Fuck.

I shot upright, scrambling to find my panties somewhere on the floor. Ignoring the slight throbbing in my head -- I must have had way too much to drink for even me to have a hangover -- I couldn't help but curse quite loudly. "Shit."

Jack let out a small sound and groaned as if he were sleep talking, "go back to bed, Isle."

I completely ignored him and rushed to put on all my clothes, the only thing that had still been on my body being my socks. "No, no, no, no!"

"Shh, just a little longer."

"You don't understand, Jack!" I stammered, not trying to be too loud for his sake and anybody outside. All I wanted was to cry. I was so afraid.

He picked up a towel and hugged it close to his body as if it were a soft toy. It was still more like he was in a dream rather than actually awake, I didn't even know which was the state he was in. "Well, tell me what's wrong then so we can go back to sleep."

"We didn't use a condom last night," I stated bluntly, hoping to get the reaction I wanted. I wanted him to notice that that was really bad, that it was something that should never have happened nor ever should in the future.

"So?" He mumbled, his head falling to the side as he was about to pass out again.

"I don't want to get pregnant!" I exclaimed and threw a towel at him to find the shirt from the night before.

"The doctors said--"

"Yeah, well the doctors can sometimes be wrong," I seethed and finished shimmying my jeans on and putting on my belt, "I had my period last week."

"Wait, what?"

I had finally managed to get his attention, as obvious by his eyes snapping open. Unfortunately for him, it was too bright in here from the sun streaming in through the opaque window, causing him to hiss and squint his eyes instead. I rolled my eyes and unlocked the bathroom door before walking out. It was pretty self-evident that he wasn't going to help me with this at all. I'd rather go and get this over with myself that have to wait for him just to get another half-arsed response. This could lead to something disastrous.

I didn't care how loud I was being while putting on my shoes, causing some of the people in the living room to curse at me. Jack shouted out my name in desperation, but he uttered more profanities quickly after speaking too loud even for himself to handle. I completely ignored him, still knowing that I'd first have to nurse him before anything having to do with last night would come to the matter. However, for that, I needed my car keys, and I had absolutely no clue where those were hidden.

Luckily, John came walking out of the kitchen -- where I hadn't seen him standing because I was rushing -- with a cup of coffee. He raised his eyebrows at me and blew off the steaming liquid in his mug before taking a sip. "Trouble in paradise?"

"No, I just remembered I still had to do something and the deadline is this evening," I made up as an excuse, really not wanting to discuss the fact that Jack and I could have drunkenly tried to make a baby last night in the worst way possible.

"Oh, well you better get going then, it's already one pm," he told me, pointing at the large clock that hung on the wall next to the TV, "I know where your car keys are, let me get them."

I smiled, feeling blessed that somebody else was awake. "Thank you!"

He motioned for me to follow him and put his cup of coffee down on the bar. "You know, you're lucky I'm probably the only one who can remember anything of last night. You and Jack weren't exactly all too quiet..."

"Don't remind me," I scoffed and rolled my eyes at myself. I knew I was going to never forgive myself for this. Maybe it would just be better for me never to get this drunk again. Drunk me around Jack definitely didn't have any boundaries anymore.

"That bad?" He asked me as he opened the door to one of the bedrooms and walked right up to the dresser.

"The worst sex I've ever had," I told him honestly with a laugh as I watched him open one of the drawers and dig underneath the shirts to find a small box.

"I don't think I'll ever be able to forget you screaming out 'Jack, I just want your dick inside of me!'The whole room burst out in giggles except for me. I felt rather uncomfortable, knowing that I'd remember everything."

"Please don't," I whined with a pout, "somebody's bound to remember something and I'll never hear the end of it. You're a nice person, don't be like that."

"It does mean you owe to keep one of my embarrassing moments secret if you're the only one to witness it or remember it," he winked and took out the two sets of keys that were unfamiliar to him, holding them both out for me.

I snatched the ones I had used yesterday and nodded. "Thank you so much."

It didn't take long for me to say my final goodbyes to him. I hurried out as quickly as I could, knowing I had to go to a pharmacy or something of the like. In my rush, I completely forgot to get my phone out for directions, but managed to drive myself to a pharmacy without having to think. I bought the morning after pill and drove right back to the hotel with no problems.


I sat on the bed Jack and I were sharing, my laptop on my lap and my glasses on my nose, trying to edit the Q&A video. It was almost done, but I had procrastinated finalizing it. With nobody around to distract me, and knowing that there was no other video to upload for the time being, I knew I had to get it done. Youtube wasn't something that was supposed to take up all of our time, but our fanbase was starting to grow as more people found out about it. I didn't want anybody to think we didn't care about the whole video thing.

However, as soon as I got started, I practically had to stop again. It was three pm when Jack walked in, his hair a complete mess and a solemn look on his face. He gave me a small twitch of his lips and closed the door behind him before walking up to me and taking the laptop away from me. Before I could complain that I was working on something, he sat next to me.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled and gave me sad eyes.

"It's not your fault, Jacky Baby," I tried using a pet name to comfort him and tried wrapping my arms around his waist while resting my head against his chest, "It's completely my fault too, I was just freaking out a little."

"I was still being an idiot." He shrugged and stared out in front of him. "I was being a complete asshole, the least I could do was listen to you and not make it seem like it is just something minuscule, because it definitely isn't."

"But you didn't know," I countered. I wasn't trying to shift all the blame towards me, but I wanted him to know it wasn't just him who did something wrong here. "I should have told you last week, because it is a pretty big deal."

"Ok, so we can settle on that you should have told me that you had your period again, and that I should not have acted like the dick I was this morning. Do the doctors know?"

"You weren't being a dick, you were just acting hungover," I chuckled and nodded at the question, "and yeah, they do. They were actually pretty surprised, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary."

"Well, that's good," he smiled and looked down at me, "so, basically you can get pregnant and we were stupid enough not to use a condom last night. What do you want to do?"

"I already took the morning after pill. Don't worry, I checked with Val if it was ok to take them." I reached out for the box and instructions that were laying at the end of the bed, and handed them to him to take a look at. "I, um, I managed to drive to the pharmacy and here without needing directions."

He skimmed over the information on the back of the box as he listened to me. "Oh."

"Do you know why?"

"I asked Cameron about it before we left..."

"So you know?" I asked and he nodded. "But you can't tell me." He shook his head and gave me a sympathetic look.

"I'm sorry," he pouted and put both the box and leaflet back down on the bed, "I would if I could."

"I know," I told him honestly and kissed his cheek. I really wanted him to know I wasn't upset about anything that happened. I put the whole thing behind me, knowing it was just me freaking out a little, and I already knew how to deal with not knowing what happened before the car crash.

"On a happy note, Alex decided he wants to go swimming. That is if you feel up for it." He kissed the top of my head and wrapped an arm around me.

Before I could answer, Alex came barging in, just like Jack had warned me when I had just arrived. He was smiling brightly until he saw both me and Jack, and completely froze up. It was like he suddenly realized that just walking in could also lead to him walking in on the wrong situations.

"Am I interrupting something?" He asked, seeing that Jack and I were just sitting there not really doing anything.

I shook my head while Jack answered, "I was just asking Isle if she wanted to go to the pool as well."

"Are you coming?" Alex immediately perked up again. I didn't know how they managed to seem so ok after such a night full of heavy drinking. First, Jack was back to normal, and Alex didn't even look like he had been drunk just twelve hours before. Maybe they were just good at playing it off.

"Umm, sure," I said with a smile, even though I didn't really feel like having to put on a swimsuit.

"Awesome! We're going to this one not too far away. We wanted to go a while back, but since this is our only actual day off, it's now or never."

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