Give Me My Phone

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Abagail came over for the millionth time this week. Jack had been gone for 3 weeks already, and we still had contact, but it was nice having another friend that wasn't my brother. Weirdly enough, all the friends I had made also became my brothers friends, which then again also wasn't that weird because he never went out. Fortunately Cameron had been waking up at more reasonable times (which was still pretty late) because the doorbell would ring at least every other day. Our loft wasn't that amazing, yet Abagail always came over, I'd never been to her apartment. With Jack it was more spread out, half of the time was spent at his house, the other half here.

I got a text from Jack saying he was up for FaceTiming in 5 minutes and of course I said yes. If I actually cared about what Jack thought of my appearance, I would be freaking out about how I looked, but I really didn't care. So here I was, slouching on the couch, waiting for Jack to call me. Time goes by so slow-

My phone started ringing and I was immediately met with Jack's face when I answered.

"Isle!" He screamed.

"Oh hey, Jack," I sighed, "Nice to see you again."

"Oh... "

I laughed, "I always get you with acting serious and annoyed! Of course I'm happy to see you."

"I'm just too scared to screw up this friendship," Jack pouted, "I really miss you."

"Aww, I miss you too fuckface, especially your dick jokes. There's not enough dick jokes here."

Jack thought for a while, "I got one! What did the left nut say to the right nut?"

"I don't know?" I raised my hands knowing this was going to be terrible.

"Look at the dude in the middle trying to look all hard."

I chuckled, "That's such a bad joke. I can't believe you stooped so low."

"It really is bad, isn't it?" Jack scratched his head.

"It really is."

Abagail came out of the bathroom with her phone in one hand, "What about that one guy I did that one photo shoot with?"

"No," I groaned, "Jack, tell Abby that I don't do relationships and that she should stop trying to hook me up with someone."

"Don't even bother trying, Abagail, she's too stubborn," Jack laughed.

Before I knew it, my phone was taken out of my hands and Abagail ran back into the bathroom. It was funny at first, and I followed her while giggling. She locked herself up and started talking to Jack. I could hear everything that was being said.

Hospital Beds and Memories (All Time Low Fanfiction | Jack Barakat)Where stories live. Discover now