The 'rents

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Jack and I were standing outside of the cafe. I hadn't been there before, but it looked like a really nice place. There were already traces of coffee aroma outside and the atmosphere inside seemed comfortable and warm.

"They're already inside, I can see them," Jack looked through the large window as we walked past it, "I'm actually nervous."

"If you're nervous, how am I supposed to feel?" I chuckled and held Jack's hand tighter, "they're your parents, you know them, I don't"

"It will be fine, I promise," He kissed my forehead before opening the door, "you look really hot by the way."

"Well thank you, I actually sort of tried."

Jack lead me to the table. There was an older couple sitting next to each other on one end of the table. They looked older than my parents, but then again Jack and a much older brother and sister, and my parents had Cam and me when they were pretty young. My mom was 27 when Cam and I were born. I didn't plan on having kids, but if I did I would wait until my mid-thirties. Luckily there was nothing to worry about, I still had at least 10 years.

The man and woman stood up and both gave Jack a hug. I just stood there awkwardly; I wasn't good at meeting people. They exchanged some short words before all the attention was on me. I really did not know what to do. Like I had told Jack long ago, one thing I wanted to change about myself was how shy I was.

Fortunately, Jack spoke up, "so, this is the person I wanted you guys to meet. This is Ireland, my girlfriend. Ireland, these are my parents."

"Hi," I timidly waved.

"Before you start calling us Mr. and Mrs. Barakat, please call me Joyce, and this is Bassam," Jack's mom smiled and pointed and the man. She then looked at Jack, "you never told us you had a girlfriend."

"That's because we have only been together for just under two months and I've been on tour for half of that time," Jack explained, "but I've brought her here to meet you now."

"Well, why don't we take a seat?"

Jack sat opposite of his father and I went to sit opposite of Joyce but Jack stopped me, "I would like to appreciate how beautiful she looks now. Normally she wears sweatpants and sweatshirts, so it's a nice change."

"I do not!" I exclaimed and sat down.

"Yes, you do."

"Only because I'm either at the hospital, just gotten out of the hospital, or because it's the day after I had to stay at the hospital. So far I have not had to be admitted, so I thought I would take my chance and actually wear something normal for once."

"Hey, I'm not complaining."

Hospital Beds and Memories (All Time Low Fanfiction | Jack Barakat)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora