Can This Get Any Worse?

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I didn't bother going to my room to collect anything to stay the night and went straight downstairs. Jack was already leaned against the wall, waiting for me. I really felt bad. I had just known this guy for a day, and I was already burdening him with my problems. He doesn't even know about my big problem. What the fuck was I doing!

"Hi." I rocked back and forth on my feet.

"Hey, are you ready to go? My car is parked just across the street." Jack pointed at a black nice-looking car.


Strangely enough I wasn't afraid of cars. You would expect me to be terrified the come near to them, but I really couldn't care less. I was unfortunate a couple of years ago, but I was alive and only had some brain damage. Many people expected me to have PTSD, my doctors even appointed specialised therapists, but I didn't need them. I probably didn't get scared because I just simply couldn't remember what happened, so that really helped. My worst problem was also most likely my saviour.

The car ride to his house was silent. I didn't know what to talk about, and to be honest I really didn't want to. All I did was look out of the window, watching the world pass by. The buildings slowly got smaller and further apart, meaning we were entering the suburbs. Jack parked his car in a driveway of a nice, but small house. It wasn't the smallest in the area, but definitely also not the largest. It was the right size for a simple guy. Just like most houses in this area, it was white with a large-ish garden.

I followed Jack inside and looked around. It wasn't as messy as I expected it to be, but it was probably nearly untouched because of all the touring he did. There was a wall full of golden and platinum records by All Time Low. It might sound a bit showoff-like, but for some reason it didn't seem like that. It was more like he was proud of his accomplishments and only put them up to remind himself of them.

"So, I was thinking we order pizza and watched a movie upstairs in my bedroom," Jack suggested.

"Sounds good," I grinned. It had been ages since I had been able to have a lazy day. I was always the one chasing my brother around and caring for him, but now it was time for me to slow down and have fun for once.

"If you want to change into something more comfortable, you can take one of my shirts."

"Yeah, I'll like that, thanks."

Jack told me to follow him and we went upstairs to his room. There was a king size bed pushed up against one wall, with a TV against the wall opposite of it. A closet was placed adjacent to the wall with the bed. This room was a bit messier than the rest of the house, or at least of what I had seen. Jack opened his closet and took out a black T-shirt, giving it to me.

"You can change here, I'll go order the pizza," Jack instructed.

I quickly took off the T-shirt I was wearing and replaced it with the black one. It was way too large for me, well maybe not way too large, but I could probably wear it without pants. So that's what I did. I took off my jeans and played with the hem of the shirt, not sure if I actually wanted to be so exposed around Jack. Before I could change my mind, Jack walked in.

"I also took off my jeans, if you don't mind," I blushed.

"No, of course not, I don't expect you to get comfortable with them on. I would offer you some jogging pants, but they would be way too large for you," Jack replied.

He plopped down on his back onto the bed and grinned at me before grabbing me by the waist and pulling me down on top of him. I laughed while expressing my pain, making Jack burst out with laughter as well. I rolled off of him and occupied the right side of the bed.

Hospital Beds and Memories (All Time Low Fanfiction | Jack Barakat)Where stories live. Discover now