The Guy and The Sunset

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The last four days I had just been depressed and beating myself up. Cameron allowed me to stay in his bed and sleep with him the day it happened, but I still hadn't gone to my room and slept in my own bed since. Sometimes I woke up in the middle of the night, having no clue where I was, before remembering everything again and shaking and crying while he tried to calm me down and cheer me up.

Everything reminded me of Jack. I let him in and he had ruined everything for me; every little daily activity. I never knew I could have been attached to someone like that. We had gotten too close too fast and it was now hitting me back. I should have stuck to my original plan of never having a boyfriend and living by myself for the rest of my life. Even though I would have been forever alone, at least I wouldn't have suffered heartbreak.

I got out of Cameron's bed. He wasn't there anymore when I woke up and I heard voices outside coming from the kitchen. I slouched and walked past my brother who was sitting at the table across from my mom. They said good morning to me, but I just groaned back and grabbed a tub of ice cream from the freezer. Not wanting to be uncivilized and rude, I took a seat next to Cameron and dug into the cookie dough flavored ice cream with a gigantic spoon. Was I planning on eating it all by myself? Definitely. But was I going to eat it all in one go? Probably that as well.

"How are you doing?" Cameron took my attention away from my breakfast.

I looked at him, opening my mouth to reply, but I burst out in tears again before anything came out. He pulled me into his side and let me cry into his chest. I felt bad about crying every time something was said, but, like I said before, everything reminded me of Jack. For some stupid reason, I could forget about 5 years of my life, but couldn't forget about him. It was like I was cursed or something.

"What happened?" My mom asked, obviously concerned about me and my well-being.

Cam answered for me, "she had a big fight with Jack. I don't know where they stand."

"Oh, honey," she rushed over to me and took over from Cam.

Being held by her only made me cry more. No, she didn't remind me of Jack, but whenever my mom was around I couldn't hold back any of my emotions anymore, especially when I was sad. I was lucky to have such a great relationship with her. There were many people that couldn't talk to their parents about anything, yet I could ask them or tell them anything.

"What was it about?" She carefully asked when my crying started to slow down.

I shook my head; I didn't want to tell her. The situation was fucked up, I didn't need more opinions about it.

Apparently she had looked at Cam for answers, but he rose his shoulders, "I don't know either. She hasn't told me."

My phone started buzzing and ringing and Cameron sighed, "your phone's been ringing the entire morning, and yesterday, and the day before, and before that."

"I don't care. He can fuck off," I had finally stopped crying and let go of my mother.

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