Screaming and Drinking

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Christmas. My favourite time of the year. Dad was home, mom was cooking dinner, family came over, and it was pleasant. This was my first christmas since the accident, the last one I remembered was when I was still 15. Moments like this really made me hate the fact that I couldn't remember shit. But then again, if it was always this boring before we got to give presents and have dinner, I actually didn't mind forgetting. I was listening to a conversation my dad was having with some of my uncles. Well, I wouldn't really call it listening if I almost fell asleep every 2 minutes. My cousins were either a lot older than my brother and I, or a lot younger, so there was nothing I could do with any of my family members. My brother and I were always the odd ones out, not fitting in any of the age groups.

I was shaken awake by my phone buzzing in my pocket. Thank god, I finally had an excuse to step out of the room. I took my phone out when I was alone in the hallway, and I saw it was Jack. For some reason I found myself sighing in relief and answering with a smile.

"Hello," I raised the tone in my voice at the end.

"This gift is amazing! Thank you so much!" Jack thanked.

I chuckled, "Well I tried."

"Everybody here is looking at me weird. They think I got this gift for myself and that I'm speaking into a phone that isn't even on."

"They don't think I'm real?"

"Nope, but this 'Jack Barakat Survival Kit' really is awesome. Thank's for the Jack, don't worry I won't drink it without you, like it says in sharpie. I also really like the bra that you claim is not yours. I don't really get why you got me a rubber chicken, but they're always fun to annoy people with."

There was another male voice that I could hear, "Jack, stop talking to your imaginary girl. She isn't real, get over it."

"You could put me on loudspeaker if you want..." I suggested.

"Yeah, I will in a second. Did you get anything awesome?" Jack replied.

"No, we haven't opened our gifts yet, but we will in-"

"Field! We have been calling you for ages! Dinner's ready!" Cameron interrupted.

"I'll come in a second," I said holding my hand up for him to wait.

"We're not going to wait on you anymore."

"Ugh, fine," I turned back to my phone, "I'm sorry Jack, but I have to go, I'll see you in a couple days."

"That's ok, Isle. Have a merry Christmas," Jack shrugged off.

"Merry Christmas Jack," I smiled and hung up my phone.

Cameron pulled me along to the dinner table and my family members chorused something along the lines of 'there she is'. I giggled at all the annoyed and relieved faces. My family could get really hungry, and if there was food of the table but they weren't allowed to eat yet, they could get quite bothered.

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