Pretty Little Princess

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"So what are your plans for the future?"

"Umm... find Cam a job and find myself a better one so I can move out. Probably get a cat, because why the fuck not. I don't think I'll ever get married, or a boyfriend for that matter. I just don't really do relationships. If I do though, I don't think I'll ever want to have kids. So basically my plan is to be an old cat lady who had a happy life."

"Hmm... sounds pretty basic to me. What about your life goals and dreams? Don't you ever want to travel the world or something?"

"Maybe," I shrugged, "What about you?"

"Well, just hope that All Time Low keeps doing as well as it's doing now, and continue traveling the world. Maybe one day I'll find a girl who I could spend my life with, but that day isn't anytime soon. Just like you, I also don't do relationships. I would never get a cat though, I hate cats."

"Sucks to be you. So... do you want to do this or not?"

"Yeah, I guess. It's now or never."

Jack and I were both sitting indian style on my mattress, I was in front of the pillows and Jack was at the end. I looked at the brushes, tubes with different contents, and pallets. I had taken out all the makeup I had ever owned and put it all on my bed. Jack thought it would be funny to turn him into the 'pretty princess' he was and livestream him. You might ask why he thought it would be funny, well he tweeted something about it and fans went crazy. So, naturally, I decided to help him.

"Don't film me though, ok?" I asked. I still didn't want his fans starting rumours about us dating, because it obviously wasn't true. We both didn't do relationships and we both didn't like each other that way. I was just glad I had such a good friend.

"I won't," He grinned at me and shook his head while he took his phone out.

I watched as he opened the periscope app and started a livestream. Immediately people started watching and their names showed up on the screen. The numbers went up exponentially and I was flabbergasted. I never knew so many people wanted to watch Jack do shit.

"This is always so awkward," He laughed, "I talk to a screen and tonnes of people are watching, but nobody can reply."

"Don't worry Jacky, I'll talk to you," I said in a playful voice and patted his head.

He gave me a silly smile and look back at his phone, "Ok, so she's going to turn me into a beautiful princess. And you guys are going to watch, because why the fuck not."

I laughed, sparking a headache once again. It had been a couple days since I had my breakdown, but I still got frequent headaches. They weren't as bad and painkillers got rid of them easily, but Cameron and Jack were still worried about me. I squinted my eyes and reached one of my hands to my forehead.

Jack immediately noticed, "Are you ok?"

Hospital Beds and Memories (All Time Low Fanfiction | Jack Barakat)Where stories live. Discover now