4 am Emergency

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After visiting my mom, I had asked Jack to bring me home. I explained that Cam and I had a fight before I had my seizure, leaving out the part that he had been mentioned a couple of times. Jack understood and agreed to drive me and walk me to the front door of the loft. I didn't want Cam to think I stayed with Jack because I was still mad because I really wasn't. The only reason I stayed with Jack was because he made me feel safe and I wanted to figure out what we were. Sure, Cam also made me feel safe, but he seemed so all over the place. I didn't want to make the mess in his mind even worse.

Jack had been busy the last couple of days with band stuff for the upcoming tour, meaning that we never had time to see each other. The one time he had some free time, I had to give a dance class. Yes, I was still dancing despite my seizures. Unfortunately, I had to cut back and cancel some of the classes, but I made sure to have at least one lesson for each group I taught.

So, here I was, in my bed at midnight, all alone, dreading Tuesday. Jack was leaving in two days and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to see him anymore. We were both too busy and his plane was leaving at 6 am. There was no way I would be able to say bye to him anymore. This really sucked. I was more bored than upset, being used to not seeing my dad for ages and then also not being able to say bye once he left again. It was just fun to be around Jack, and I was stuck doing nothing while he was practicing.

That thought and the need to go to the bathroom had woken me up. After contemplating whether or not to get out of my bed and go to the toilet, for and hour, I finally decided it was better to go than have the annoying urge the rest of the night. I mean, who doesn't think about just staying in bed even though they know their bladder might explode? This is such a weird topic, but you know what I mean, right? The bed was so comfortable and warm. Why do bodily functions exist?

So, out of my bed I got, groaning while my bones cracked and clicked, and I strolled to the bathroom. The bright light burned my eyes and made me regret my decision. Ugh, being tired and blinded does not work well together. I walked into the counter, making it stab into my upper right thigh. That was definitely going to bruise. I thought I finished my business when I was greeted by blood on the toilet paper. Of course, I started my period. I totally lost track of time and forgot I was due. Why did mother nature have to be so cruel?

I opened the drawer I kept all my stuff in and found the box of tampons... which was empty. Great. Why didn't I throw it out and buy a new pack? I could be so stupid sometimes. I rummaged through all the drawers I had in hope to find something so I could make it through the night. My whole bathroom was a mess from taking out everything and putting it back in. I finally found a panty liner in the back of one of my drawer, but it definitely wasn't going to last through the night. I put it on and thought; I had to get to a gas station or something.

I knew it wasn't going to work, but it was worth a try. Cam always hated when I woke in up during the night, but I still knocked on his bedroom door and carefully walked in.

"Hey, Cam, you awake?" I whisper-shouted.

He stirred and groaned, "go back to sleep, Field."

"But, I need your help'"

Hospital Beds and Memories (All Time Low Fanfiction | Jack Barakat)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن