Chapter 20

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I arrived at the penthouse and threw myself on couch feeling tired and all. Then again; it showered my mind.

Thank you. . .

His voice . . .

The way he said it . . .

His eyes . . .

"Aish" I groaned remembering the moment.

He's unbelievable! How could that gray-eyed jerk do that? Have he forgotten every little thing we talked about? Tsk. This is totally insane.

For a moment I stared at the ceiling then close my eyes before touching my forehead with my palm.

What are you actually trying to do?

The next day I woke up earlier than my usual wake up time. I have a lot of catching up to do cause I wasn't able to read the script last night. I decided to grab a breakfast first before going to school so I walked from the building to the nearest coffee shop.

After I payed the bill I walked out the shop since I ordered my food as take out. I stood under the traffic light waiting for a taxi when a black Mercedes SLR McLaren Roadster stopped in front of me.

I gasped and almost trip of the sight in front of me.

The person inside must be soooo damn rich. One out of one hundred people can only ship and afford this car.

I felt like my soul left my body cause I wasn't able to move an inch. I didn't even notice when the door opened and man came out of it.

"Close your mouth you're going to catch flies"

And as fast as a lightning I recognized the voice.

"OH MY GOD!" I shrieked. "You have to be kidding me" I complained "Did you just drive this car?"

"Yeah?" he said in like 'so?' tone.

All my life I was dreaming about driving this car and he just reacts like that? Damn him!

"Do you even know what car are you driving right now?"

"Where are you going?"

"Oh god don't change the topic!"

"It's McLaren Roadster"

"You knew!"

"Of course I do." He rolled his eyes like I was the most absurd person in the world "Seriously, what's wrong with you?"

And that question hit me. What's wrong with me? I'm getting insane over a car. Get a hold of yourself, Anne. You're acting stupid in front of him.

"I was just impressed" then I looked away taking a bite of my pancake. "Your car's nice"  I murmured

"That's a compliment for my dad. So I was asking, where are you up to?"

"I'm in uniform so obviously, school"

"Touche, you never change"

"And I will never change"

"I thought so" then he stepped back and walked to the door "C'mon" he opened the passenger seat

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