Find My Way Back

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“Let’s go get something to eat. I’m starving,” Jeremy announced. We were two weeks into our fall tour with Pierce The Veil and I had been trying to forget Ricky, but it was hard. Every time I logged on to Twitter, it seemed like there was a new tweet asking what happened and everyone still seemed worried about me.

No one argued with him. We all just grabbed some money and followed him out of the bus. I blew out a sigh and kicked a rock on the sidewalk as we walked along. Motionless In White was in town today; I was suppose to be with Ricky right now. I was hoping I didn’t see them, though. I don’t think I could handle it.

All too soon, a group of people caught my eye on the other side of the street. They looked a lot like us: black clothes, black hair, makeup. I guess my plan of never seeing Ricky again wasn’t going to work out. I quickly looked down, hoping that if I ignored them they would go away. I wasn’t ready to talk to Ricky; I just couldn’t. Unfortunately, when I glanced back up, they were still there. My eyes accidentally locked onto Ricky’s and all the feelings of loved poured back into my system. Chris was bickering with him and they kept glancing over at us. He was obviously trying to get Ricky to talk to me.

“Go talk to him,” Jeremy encouraged, gently pushing me towards the street. I was about to shake my head when I noticed Ricky walking across the street towards us; towards me. I guess I’d have to talk to him now.

“Hi,” he greeted quietly as he fell into step with me. He shoved his hands in his pockets and looked down at this shoes. I would do anything for him to take those hands out of his pockets and hold my hand, but I knew that would never happen.

“Hey,” I mumbled, running my fingers through my black hair. I looked down at my combat boots, having no idea what to say next.

“Ricky, I’m sorry,” I started after a long pause, even though I really didn’t have anything to be sorry for. “Can I explain what happened now?” I questioned hopefully. He gave me a nod, signaling me to go. I took a deep breath before beginning and wiped my sweaty hands on mu jeans. “Ricky, when I got off stage that day, I was going to go find you, buy Devin said he needed to talk to me, and then he kissed me and then you showed up and I…I just didn’t know what to say,” I rambled, my voice cracking towards the end. I could feel the tears sowing to my eyes. I just wanted this conversation to be over.

“So, he just kissed you out of the blue?” Ricky asked with doubt in his voice, Great, I thought, I got to talk to Ricky and he didn’t even believe me. I nodded, knowing that if I said anything, I’d just end up crying.

“Please believe me,” I whispered, thinking that it was pointless. While I was telling the truth, the story sounded farfetched and I knew it.

“Midnight, I trust you. It’s just… if you saw it the way I did, you’d think the same thing. And to be honest, when I saw the way Devin looks at you, I was… jealous, ok. I knew he liked you and I… I wanted you to myself,” he told me, his voice growing soft. Usually I would’ve smile at how cute he was being, but now really was the time.

“Ricky, I promise you that I don’t like Devin as anything more than a friend. To be honest, I don’t even know if we’re friends anymore. Last time we talked it was so awkward I never wanted to experience the feeling again. I swear I don’t like him,” I promised. “Not the was I liked you,” I added in a mumble, suddenly really wanting a cigarette. All this talking about my feelings was getting me anxious. I took out my carton of cigarettes and pulled one out. I of course offered one to Ricky, which he gratefully took. It was the first time we had made eye contact during the whole conversation and I could honestly say I missed those beautiful eyes. As soon as I put the cancer stick to my lips and lit up, I could feel myself relax.

The whole time, he said nothing in response to what I had told him. I was starting to get nervous that he would never say anything. That was until I felt a familiar feeling in my hand. I when I looked down, I saw his tattooed fingers intertwined with mine. I looked back up at him and smiled. He gave me a grin and still said nothing.

“I missed you,” I whispered, not making eye contact again. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach going crazy, and just from a simple touch and smile. I hated feelings sometimes.

All of sudden, he stopped walking and I staggered back. I looked up at him expectantly and our eyes met. Thankfully, there was no one walking behind us, even if there was it felt like we were the only two people on earth at that moment. Hr then cupped my face with his free hand and leaned down, closing the space between us. He pressed his soft lips against mine passionately, a feeling I had truly missed a lot.

“I missed you, too,” he replied, “and I love you.” Suddenly, both  our bands erupted with joy. It turned out Motionless In White had turned around so that could follow us and the rest of Into The Dark had kept in close enough distance so they could hear what we were saying.

“I love you, too, Ricky,” I responded, ignoring their cheers. I then reached up and pressed my lips against his again. I never water this feeling to end.

I Need To Be Loved (Ricky Horror Fan Fic) [Book #1]Where stories live. Discover now