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Enjoy my lovelies.

Disclaimer! Mine mine all mine!


He stayed with me the entire night on the floor next to me, separated by a door between us.

When the first light of the morning came to, I heard him say softly, "Please let me in Elizabeth.."

"I can't. I don't want to hurt you." I whispered back.

Surprisingly I hadn't felt the need to sleep but the light hurt my eyes. I realized how much I could focus on the little specs that shone and unable to control these new things they put immense pressure on my eyes.

On the right side there was a mirror and I turned my face towards it, noting that my eyes had visibly become a shade lighter; more like a honey brown with gold specs much like hazel instead of the ordinary brown eyes I had before. My eyelashes looked thicker; my eyes more defined, as if I wouldn't need make up anymore, or was it because I could see so much clearer?

I noticed my hair felt the same but looked different, better, as if preserved. My skin too had changed a shade lighter, as if the blood had left it. I looked like a porcelain doll. I could see the changes in myself.

"Please Elizabeth" said David, breaking me from my musing "let me in, everyone who passes by stares at me like I'm some weirdo and I have your breakfast in my hand too, the maid left it with me." He jokingly said in the end.

I got up and sighed. "Fine."

I opened the door "Don't touch me" I warned.

He exhaled relived that I had at least opened the door. I noticed how he looked weak in a plain black shirt and casual jeans.

"Here." He handed me a cup with warm blood in it. "How do you feel? Are you hungry?"

"Now that you've mentioned it I do feel the hunger" I said... feeling a bit strange.

I felt a pain in my jaws as I looked at the glass. My hands went up to my mouth.

"It'll hurt the first few times, then you'll get used to it.." David said understandingly. "It's your fangs coming out. You'll need to be careful initially, during this transition many vampires feel intense hunger and end up giving themselves up to bloodlust but don't worry I'll be monitoring your intake."

But I didn't want what was in the cup. I looked up at David. As he spoke I saw how well chiseled he was from everywhere. The way his neck moved when he spoke, the tiny movements and when he'd pause.. his smile.. I didn't hear a word he said.

I remembered David telling me how a vampire's neck is his most sensitive place but regardless of anything I just had this intense urge to bite him for blood instead of the silly cup in his hand.

Before I could talk myself out of it, I just gave in to my instinct.

I attacked him and bit into his soft flesh, enjoying every minute of it. I loved the taste of his blood on my lips, it felt so good! He tasted so divine.

I distantly felt as if I heard some screams or shouts but in that moment I didn't care.

But as I drained him I felt like I was pulled in his mind. I saw myself through his eyes, feeding off of him while he groaned in pain, how he grabbed me to pull me off but he couldn't get a grip on me without feeling like the veins in his body were about to explode, how he called out for help unable to do anything, how he tried to roll me off but couldn't.

What made me stop was the pain, when I felt his pain and when I realized it was me causing it I had to stop.

When I pulled off of him I looked up to see that quite an audience had accumulated, the previous Royals and my families seem to be there looking at me like I was a monster.

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