It's a topsy turvy world

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The long wait is finally over, I have been crazy busy but I finally managed to type this chapter out, I have big news to reveal to you all which is why ive been busy but like everything, all in good time. I hope you like this chapter, some of you made some accurate guesses. The next chapter will be the big reveal which I will upload next Monday! So till then, review, maybe I'll type it out sooner. :D

Negative reviews are always welcomed, I have been getting a lot of those, but honestly I couldn't care less, I write for myself and for those who have been with me from the beginning and who will stay with me till the end. There is much more to my story than a love story which most people don't get or don't have the patience for. Also I think people forget that I had around 50 chapters for The Betrothed, chapter numbers aren't pre-planned but they are written whenever I can so just because The Betrayal has 34 doesn't mean it's ending, there always more to the story.

Disclaimer! Mine mine all mine!

It's a topsy turvy world.

It was in an instant, as if a memory had just come back to me. Somehow I knew in my heart that the dream about my kidnapping with Sloan, Lincoln and the scarred man had been real, that the girls who had died in the bathroom were real people with real families too.

That the scarred man who came to the café everyday was the scarred man who had kidnapped me. The same one who followed me around, the same one who was at the clothes outlet... He was the scarred man standing in front of us.

Next to him stood tall a regal looking man, a man who's eyes looked so familiar yet so different. Behind them stood many men who looked as if they could be part of the secret service. They looked more vigil and intimidating than the castle guards including Demetri, which was saying something.

My mind raced. Was this a siege?

My father gasped and dropped his glass of champagne, which shattered on the floor as he rushed to the two men.

"Brother! Father! You're alive??" he hugged them as soon as he reached them. He shot them with questions as to how it was possible and the like.

My mind raced. My heart raced.

Robert.. my father, my real father was alive? My grandfather Benjamin was alive? How? Why? What?

Most importantly, why was I kidnapped and tortured by my own family??

Everyone, especially the Royals looked as white as a ghost.

'Calm down.' David whispered in my head.

They lied. They always lie. I was angry, confused and plain exhausted with my family coming back from the supposed death.

Grandpa Christian went towards my grandfather smiling and said "Old friend. I am glad to see you alive and well."

But he received a cold welcome. When he spoke it was as if I was hypnotized, my mind went blank.

"I am Benjamin Cromwell Mason, King of this landing, here for my throne." His voice so smooth and deep, the second he said that everyone in the audience bowed down.

David had been standing next to me and he too bowed.

'What are you doing?!' I pushed into his head, flabbergasted.

I received no reply. King Edward looked at his son and surprised and angry he too bowed down.

Everyone did including my parents, Grandpa Christian. But I had yet to bow down.

'Elizabeth.. bow down.' David whispered in my head.

'No.' I said defiantly.

That defiance did not go unnoticed by my grandfather.

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